Saturday, April 8, 2017

Workouts this week: April 2

Sunday: Recovery
My calves are shredded. My right one especially. I can't walk right.

This is what it's like to race hard. I haven't done that in forever. Not sure if it was running the longest race of my life, running on pavement. Matt think it was running in new shoes. I had 20 miles on them. They were comfy. They were also racers with no support. Either way my calves are awful. I spent most of the day stretching, rolling them out, massasging them, using a back massager on them.

I saw a Facebook post for Runner's Recovery yoga at Athens Running Company for a $5 donation. So I went there. I wasn't sure what to expect.

It was a small class, maybe 6 people. The class lasted an hour and 15 minutes. It was very similiar to the yoga class I take at Ramsey, with some leg stretches like they do at the end of Pure Barre thrown in. (Calve stretches with a strap.) I liked meeting some of the other runners.

I liked it okay. Definitely an option for when there aren't classes at Ramsey (which I've already paid for.) I like that it's earlier in the day.

Monday: BodyPump
I did BodyPump to make up for missing it Sunday. My calves were still sore but the class was fine. (I went easy on lunge weight. I suck at lunges.) I stuck around to use the vibrating plate machine for my calves. I had to wait FOREVER while some skinny dude did calf raises off it. (Yes you can use anything else to do your workout!). Just to use it for 60 seconds. But that's what I needed. It melted the tension out of my calves.

I was going to run a mile after class, but didn't. Laziness.

Tuesday: Run day
I was supposed to run before work, but was sleepy and it didn't happen.

I did run on my lunch instead. The goal was slow miles, maybe 9 minute miles as recovery. I tried to run slow. Didn't look at my watch. I did have to walk a lot. After the run I look at my splits and I'm still running 8:18s. My first mile was 7:40. So I have two speeds: 8 minute miles and sprint. To get in a slower gear, I have to run for a really long time. It's hard to find that slower mode that I should be running in.

That evening I ran an extra 2 while I ran/walk and scouted the course for this weekend.

Wednesday: Home workout
I was going to go to gymnastics, but it was canceled because of severe weather in the area. I went home and did some exercise bike, arms and abs. It's always amazing to me how much free time I have when I don't go to the gym.

Thursday: run
I ran 3 slow miles after work. My calves are still tight and I felt some bad twinges at the end of my run. Ow.

Partial rainbow.
Apparently there was a double rainbow over the Coliseum. 

Friday: off
I took today off. We went to my inlaws and did our taxes. We owe the government $800. Sadness.
We always owe. We both claim 0 and we always owe. I don't know who actually gets refunds. Not us. Ever. I was hoping it would be less, but it wasn't.
My mother-in-law made me a turkey burger, which was nice.

Also, my mom and sister came to lunch with me (belated birthday lunch). I had about five french fries and one section on a nutella and banana quesadilla, which was warm and gooey and amazing. (Sugar, I miss you!)

Saturday: Race day
There was a race across the street from my house so I decided to run it. And hoped to be done before Matt woke up. I knew he'd tell me it was a bad idea to race on consecutive Saturday. (Races 2 and 3 of my adult life.) And it was, but oh well. (I paid for this the week after)

Will do a separate race recap.

Workouts this week: 7
Runs: 4
Miles run: 15.58
1 yoga class, 1 body pump

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