Sunday, November 3, 2019

7 miles this week

It's Sunday. I ran seven miles this week. 

Which is my lowest mile week—since my August meltdown. 

I was sick. Honestly, I couldn't have run Monday through Wednesday. Thursday and Friday, maybe but I didn't risk it. (I did do 30 minutes on the exercise bike twice this week.) 

I ran Saturday and Sunday and coughed a ton after I stopped running. I also needed a nap after the runs. 

I'm not 100% over my cold. Maybe 90%. There's still some lingering congestion. The weather was nice on my runs. I listened to my podcasts.

Maybe I'm overing my running funk. At least I didn't cry before either of these runs. I might keep my miles super low for the time being and just run when I want to. 

Here's a picture of my fuel for my Sunday easy run. 

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Week off running

Halloween. I didn't have a costume the night before,
so recycled a costume from a few years ago. 

It's been a glorious 7 days off running. My run last Saturday was garbage. And then I started to get sick. I took a few days off for illness. I probably could have started running a few days ago, but I really liked having a week off. And having that time back.

I cooked. I caught up on my course work. I almost caught up with work work. It was really nice not to have to squeeze a run in after work. 

I know I should start working out, so I don't gain weight but the time off was much needed. 

Yes, I've been in a running funk lately. I've done no races since the spring and haven't felt motivated to really train. 

But I've been working out like a beast for 6.5 years. That's 6.5 years of 5 days a week of workouts. I take usually a week off twice a year for being sick. And that's it. So this week, I got over my cold. Didn't drink enough water. Didn't eat particularly well. (I did no fast food so I'm probably fine.) And I didn't run. 

So I'm struggling with balance and fatigue and needed some time just to myself.

Having Saturday with no commitments—just to catch up on life was much-needed.