Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Fitness lessons I learned in 2019

Can I call 2019 a rebuilding year for my running? I had some PRs and some good moments. But overall, not all forward momentum. But no one's fitness journey is all up all the time. I ran. I cried. I learned. Here are some things I learned.

1. Ebay for deal
This year, I became hooked on Ebay. I love running gear and this was my year of eBay. I got some brand new trail shoes for $60 on eBay. I started buying Lululemon on Ebay for a fraction of the cost. I definitely used this site more to buy running clothes and year. Especially for older styles. And I think I had a 95% positive experience with Ebay. Only one dud in all of my purchases so far. 

2. My foot got bigger
I've worn a 7.5 in running shoe since high school. But after losing several toenails this year and last year and getting hot spots on the ends of my toes I tried a bigger size in running shoe, and yep I'm now and 8 in running shoes. Haven't lost any toenails since going up a size. Which means I need to replace all of my shoes to 8, but I'm working on it. I have a super high arch in my foot and feet spread over time, so a lot of people's feet do spread. This is normal according to the wise running store clerk. 

3. More about skincare and haircare
Sweating a lot is hard on my skin and hair. Leave-in conditioner helps and so does a skin serum for after I wash my sweaty face. (See posts on favorites)

4. Go to bed early
My body really wants to go to bed at 8:30 p.m. So I tried going to bed at 8:30 and 9:30 p.m. It helps. I can't say it makes a ton of difference, because I'm not waking up any earlier. I think I just need more sleep. And feel incrementally less exhausted when I go to bed early.

5. I'm just not as fast as I think I am
I want to be one of those people whose debut half marathon is 1:40 and who runs a 20 minute 5k out of the blue. I ran a 1:46 half marathon after putting in hard, hard work and maybe I'm just not fast. Maybe I'm not mentally tough or maybe I'm better suited for another distance. I want 22 minute 5ks to be easy and I really did put in the work over the last few years to do that, but in three years of hard training my 10k time has come down only one minute. I guess it's okay to not be fast. 

Looking back on 2019.....I logged fewer miles. I think it's 100+ fewer miles. 

I trained really, really hard for a spring half marathon. I did set a PR, but didn't attain the time I wanted. I ran a fast 5k right after that, and then didn't do any speed for the rest of the year. I was really stressed out and burned out from May onwards. I think the only reason I didn't completely quit running was because I know I'd balloon back up in weight. (Even running less in the summer made my weight creep back up.) 

6. What it means not to have time for running or fitness
I prioritize fitness and make time for a run or a class. But this year, there were a lot of instances when I didn't have time. When my day was booked from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Several times I had less than a week to make a 60 minute presentation for a large group. (And couldn't re-use presentations). I was just really busy. And stressed. So stressed that I'd cry because of how intensely I didn't want to run. I've never really gotten it when people say they don't have time for fitness until this year. 

7. What it means to be burned out
I was so burned out this fall. My legs felt like garbage. Every run was a struggle. I was crying because of how intensely I didn't want to run. I had to walk. I felt like I had mono I was so drained. 

I did basically no speed work in the last six months. And didn't really want to. Life can be exhausting. I wish this post was more positive and upbeat. I really WANT to be a positive person, but I guess that's just not where I am right now.

Monday, December 30, 2019

2019 Fitness favorites

A few of my favorite fitness products for this year. 
In 2019, I feel like I stuck with my favorite fitness products. I love my R8 roller. I wore pretty similar running clothes. I tried some new types of fuel. But here are some new addition to my favorites. 

1. Lululemon Run Stuff Your Bra long, for long runs (center)
 I like the longer length of this sports bra. I think it helps with underboob chafe. It's my go-to sports bra for runs.

2. Running shorts. 
I vastly prefer running in crops, but summer runs call for shorts and this year, I wore those short tight shorts that the runners wear. And after I found the right ones, they were a joy to run in. My two favorites are Lululemon Fast and Free short 6 inch and the Oiselle pocket jogger. They don't ride up when running and aren't too short. (I should say I got a few pairs of the Lululemon shorts and one pair did ride up. The others didn't. I only have one pair of the Oiselle shorts since they keep selling out.) 

First year I was brave enough to wear TIGHT SHORT SHORTS . 

3. Lululemon Swiftly tanks
I've been a Cool Racerback person, but this year, I started liking the Swiftly because it's lightweight and great for summer running. It's lighter and breathes easier. Certain styles/colors do better with sweat than others, but this is what I reached for on runs this year. 

4. UCann
I heard a lot of about UCann this year. I tried it. It tastes super chalky (gag) but it works. I can't have a bad run with it. I don't like the texture and it makes me spit a lot but it really does great for energy. 

5. Skincare for sweaty skin (small blue bottle in photo.) 
I've been loving Fre skincare, which is for people who sweat a lot. I love their revitalize skin serum for after a run. It's exactly what my skin needs. This product line also has a face wash, and a nighttime moisturizer. I don't love the daytime moisturizer as it's basically sunscreen (and smells like sunscreen)

6. Not pictured: Favorite Cookbook
Run Fast, Cook Fast, Eat Slow. Love. Every athlete should use this cookbook.