Monday, November 26, 2018

Workouts this week Nov. 19-25

Monday: Off

Tuesday: speed work

I decided to do 400s on the indoor track today. I think 10 was a good number. 8 was on my 5k training plan.

(Goal: 1:45)
1:46, 1:41, 1:41, 1:36
1:37, 1:38
And then for some reason I thought I was close to done. And then I wasn't.
1:39, 1:36
That's 8. But then we usually do 10 at track workouts. So I thought I should do 10 reps instead.

This workout was hard. Could I sustain this for a 5k? How was I ever this fast? How did faster 400s ever happen? And it's not even that fast. Here's hoping putting hard work in means something.

Wednesday: 5 miles by my house
I was going to run trails, but they were paving the road and I didn't want to deal with traffic and potentially get tar on my car so I ran the boring loop by my house. About 7 loops. I'd change it up some every time. But this way I get mileage in without too much pavement.

Thursday: OFF
It was Thanksgiving. I ate too much. I should have run. But in the morning I volunteered at a race. I went straight to Thanksgiving with my parents. I came home and cooked dinner for Matt. And that was daylight.

Friday: Tempo
Today I decided to do my second speed session of the week—2 tempo miles at the track. And I brought Matt along. I did 1.5 miles of slow warmup. Then did 2 miles without stopping. (Slower than last week's!). And 1.5 miles of cool down.

This was a little slower than last week, but closer to my current 5k pace. I felt like I could hold that for a 5k. It was really cold and windy out—so I didn't want to go too fast today. With the 400s the other day, I didn't need to overdo this. It was so cold, I never took my vest off (46 degrees, 14 mph winds). Yikes! But I'm proud I gritted through this workout in the cold. It was a solid effort.

Saturday: Junk Miles 
I was SUPPOSED to do my long run today, but it was cold and miserable so I did a junk 5 miles. Again by my house. It was cold (50). But I actually took off my vest today.

Sunday: Long run
10 miles of trails in 45 degree weather. It wasn't warmer. It was supposed to be 60. But I did it. And Felt great.

Miles this week: 30
Runs this week: 5

Up next: a 5k Saturday. I have no idea how this will go. (Weather looks to be thunderstorms and 20 mile per hour winds).

Sunday, November 25, 2018

I can do hard things

The one where Sara runs in the cold. And doesn't complain (during the run). 

Hiding from the cold. This is not what I ran in.

I hate running in the cold. I hate the cold. And the weather here has been cold and gross. It's freezing to even take the dog out. It's been rainy and foggy and I miss the sun.

I was supposed to do my long run Saturday. But it was cold. And there was a football game (that messes with traffic and parking). So Matt talked me into doing my junk miles Saturday. And my long run Sunday.

I spent most of Sunday dreading the run.

• I looked up if the indoor track was open.
• I considered shortening the run.
• I looked up ordering treadmills
• I contemplated moving even further south.
• I kept adding more clothes to my race outfit. I went from crops to full length tights, a short sleeve to a long sleeve.

It was supposed to get up to 60 today. But the temperature kept changing. High of 55. High of 51. High of 47. UGH. (It was colder Sunday. I should have done my run Saturday like I wanted.)

We decided to run at 3 p.m.. It was 44 when we left the house. 44! I brought road shoes in case I needed to cut my run short and run indoors instead.

Mile 1. It was okay. I wasn't too cold. (I was also listening to a podcast for distraction.)
And I made it into a 3 mile loop. Then I got water. I didn't feel like I needed it, but no use getting dehydrated.
Then my watch stopped. Yay long sleeve shirts.

I started another 3 mile loop. At mile 6, I took a bathroom break. I looked in the mirror and my hands were bright red from the cold. The sleeves have thumb pockets but my hands would get cold and I'd ball them up inside my shirt. Possibly I'd be too hot in gloves.

And then I was on the last loop of the run. And I felt fine. Matt's watch buzzed for 10 miles and I felt like I could run another 3. Which is crazy. Because usually I don't run well in the cold.

I ran 10 miles in 45 degree weather and I am so proud of myself! I usually don't run outside if it's below 50. And I did it. And I did fine. (I also took my inhaler before the run, wore a neck warmer and dressed appropriately.)

It wasn't actually THAT bad. The fall leaves were pretty. I'm glad I did it, but can we please have some warmer weather?

Afterwards, Matt and I got burgers. He wanted a burger and I wanted a turkey burger. The restaurant wasn't busy at all and we got the food to go. They told us 10-15 minutes. After 20 minutes had gone by I was about to 1) kill someone 2) just leave without my food and go next-door to Taco Bell. I was also getting COLD from sitting there without moving. I didn't sweat much but my arms, especially elbows, were cold. So burgers were our reward for 10 miles of trails. We earned it.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Workouts this week: Nov. 12-18

Trying to come back from knee junk. Got some solid speed workouts in and had good runs. Some were hard. But hard is okay right? Hard work means progress later?

Monday: Off
I made tomato soup.

Tuesday: 5 easy miles
Indoor track. 40 laps. I am so glad I got new headphones after losing my last pair. Running 40 laps is so much easier with music.

Wednesday: Speed work

I'm not actually sure what my 5k plan said for my workout. So I texted Kristin what should I do. She told me 3 400s. 2 800s. 3 400s. And sandwich workout. I liked that. I liked 400s so that's what I did except I did 4 400's for a total of 3 miles. I did this at the indoor track. (It's been rainy, cold and miserable ALL week,)
400s: 1:48 (slow), 1:45 (goal), 1:44, 1:43
800s: 3:29, 3:27
400s: 1:41, 1:43, 1:39, 1:34

And I did it. I felt HARD. I remember working on my 1:30 400s felt hard this summer. But ugh. I did this workout. I'm putting in the work.

Thursday: Off

Friday: Easy miles
I ran 5 easy miles of trails after work. It was an ordeal getting to the trails. I got stuck in traffic. It took 4 light cycles to make the left turn into the trails. Then there was no parking because of marching band practice. And then I only had one elastic in my hair. So I had to get 2 so my ponytail wouldn't fall down. And then it got dark fast. But I got my miles in.

Friday night run


Saturday tempo
My knee is mad at me again. I was hobbling around the house after the previous run. This exactly what happened on my left side. Now, it's happening on the right. (Which is why you should always do exercises on both sides.) I knew this would happen after PT from the last knee issue. The goal was to loosen up that outside quad muscle. So I used the massager on it. I used the heating pad. I rolled. I did an extensive warmup, of heat, exercise bike, rolling and walking. And the run went fine!

The workout was 1 mile warmup, 2 miles at tempo, and then a cool down.
I ran 1 miles in loops around the school next to my house. Mile 2 was on the road. The goal was 7:30. I'd be happy with a hair faster. My watch kept saying 7:40 pace. But it was so hard. How am I this out of shape. I shouldn't be.
7:07 my watch beeps on that mile. Yikes. That is too fast. And I took 10 seconds to catch my breath.
7:07 again for the next mile. Again my watch was saying 7:20 pace and it felt hard. I just kept telling myself I could do it and to just keep pushing. And I did it. Faster than I wanted. But would love to get a 5k at that pace. Though that seems too fast for me now.
And then I just did a .5 mile cool down. I was beat. And then I walked home.

And I used the heating pad a few times that night to really loosen up that muscle.

Senior cat + heating pad

Sunday: Long Run

Longest run since Oct. 6. I did 9 miles of trails. Most of my friends ran this morning. I waited until it was 60. Which is my favorite temperature to run. And it was glorious. Why wouldn't you wait until your favorite temperature if you could? It was sunny and beautiful. And just a good, good run. It was the kind of run that makes me thankful to be alive and to be about to run for more than an hour.

I did stop about 3 times to take pictures. And 2 bathroom breaks! Eek. I had to pee after about 1 mile of running. And then midway through the run I really had to go. This is what happened in high school. All the running just makes me need to use the bathroom. (Short, short breaks. Way shorter than Rogue breaks.)  But that's why I run at the IM Fields. Lots of bathrooms and lots of cute, happy, spoiled dogs.

After the run, my hip flexors were mad at me. I spent about 20 minutes trying to roll them out. I'm hoping it helped. They didn't seem to loosen up. I should roll more.
(Also knee is fine! I did it!)

Miles this week: 27.6
Runs this week: 5

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Quitting physical therapy

After 2 visits to the physical therapist, I've called it quits.

Today I got an email from my insurance that my claim had been received and I checked to see how much I owed for the two visits. And enough to make me cancel visit #3.

The money
My husband saw this same physical therapists a few years ago. I think it ended up being like $80 a visit. So I was thinking I'd pay the same.

I guess I should have asked what I was paying for, because the doctor billed my insurance $292.50 for the first visit. My second visit was billed at $172.50. I haven't met my deductible yet so I'll have to pay for all of that. I think I'm on the hook for $174 for the first visit after my insurance paid their share. The second claim hasn't processed yet.I'm guessing $350 total.

That's just a lot of money. And do I really want another visit when I don't think it will help? I haven't been impressed with my results so far. It might be okay for $80, but not $300. I have different standards.

No results
After 1 visit my knee was the same. The visit helped me none. Actually, the exercise he gave me to do made my back hurt and made my hips go out of line the opposite way. So ugh.

I wanted my thigh dry needled. He promised to dry needle on visit 2. He didn't.

Visit 2. The doc told me to get light stability shoes. And now my achilles are tight and my other knee and calf hurts. And my back still hurts. (The doctor was rather rude about the shoe issue. That's a big reason for not coming back.)

My lateral quad finally released two days after therapy. But I attribute this to decreased mileage, not the cupping that felt like nothing.

I realize we have to fix some things and things might be worse before they're better, but I'm not really that hurt. And I'd rather save my money for a real injury. I'm not sold on the pronation diagnosis.
• Before I got fitted at the running store for my neutral shoes, I wore whatever shoe was cute. And I did wear stability shoes, before I knew what that was. I had knee issues with those shoes. (AND NOT SINCE THE NEUTRAL SHOE).
• I've run for almost a year and a half with no knee issues. I think the issue would have come up before. I think something changed to aggravate my knee.
• I'm not a heel striker. I do track work on my toes.

And he wanted to see me again in a week. Which shoes/inserts won't fix a knee problem in a week. So this makes no sense.

I canceled my appointment because I don't think the treatment is helping. I think time off would have had the same results. And mostly, I don't want to spend $175 for no results. I can get a massage for cheaper. If I get worse, I'll go back. Back I'd consider another therapist or asking the cost before I get a service, or just going to another Physical Therapy business. They should show me a bill as I'm leaving like other medical providers. I'm unhappy with being overcharged and unimpressed with a lack of results.

**Update, I quit physical therapy. I got a massage (I tried to get one earlier, but the appointment got moved). My legs are happy. I wasted a ton of money on a PT I wouldn't see again.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Post SeaWheeze running

SeaWheeze was such a great race—I wanted to start training to run a 1:45. It was inspiring. But I think my plans have changed.

Post race—I took a week completely off. It was glorious. I thought I'd do more yoga or go crazy not even riding a bike. I didn't. It was really nice to have free time, time to nap or get laundry done. I didn't miss running at all.

That Saturday I ran a mile just to make sure my legs weren't stiff. It was fine.

And then I decided to do a 10k at the end of the month with all of that speed I've built up all summer.

So week 2, I ran 26 miles—with 2 speed workouts: Mile repeats and 4 miles at tempo. I did a 12 mile long run.

Week 3: I was combining 10k and half training plans so I ended up running 30 miles, with 8 miles at my new race pace (I did it!), And two speed workouts, 4 mile tempo and 4 mile repeats with 400 rolling recoveries. (This might have been too much)

And then the wheels fell off. Everything was fine. I ran that 8 miles at race pace. It was hard. I think miles 4-5 were the hardest, but then I got my second wind and sped up. I was so proud of myself for doing this.

Monday, the next day I did 6 easy trail miles. The first 5 miles were fine. The last mile—EVERYTHING HURT. My hips were tight. My calf was tight. My knee hurt.

And then GIANT RED FLAG: I couldn't walk down the stairs. I took 4 days off running.

I got a massage that Wednesday. My IT band was so tight. I made a physical therapy appointment. I ran some to know that I could run without pain. But I'd be sore later.

I went to physical therapy and he said I could run, but not if it hurt.

But I used it as an excuse to not run. My head hasn't been in it. I've been having some serious work stress.

Week after my knee feeling funky: 12 miles
Week after that: 15 miles. (Didn't run that 10k)
This week: We'll see.

I think I made the decision that I am bone tired. I really like shorter distance work.  Maybe I'll do a 5k Dec. 1. I did try a workout yesterday and my head wasn't in it. So I'm not training for a 1:45 half anymore. I guess I should pick a new one.

I also think I need to take more time off. I've been training hard since January. After my next half, let's take two weeks. Or at least the second week, not super hard.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Workouts this week: Oct. 30-Nov. 4

Monday: Halloween run at Fleet Feet: 3 miles
I don't go to many group runs, but I love a costume run and this one is awesome. I get to see all of my friends dressed up. And it's fun to run down the road in a giant group and see people look twice at costumed runners. Super glad I went to this.

Treed raccoon.

Crosswalk button costume!

Tuesday: Speed work at the track
It was a ladder workout today. I was happy with the results.  (Not happy: Only two ladies at the workout. Me and Lissa. Where are you ladies?)
I guess it was supposed to be around 5k pace so I was aiming for about 7 minute pace.

400: 1:43
400: 1:37
800: 3:26
1200: 5:11
800: 3:21
400: 1:32
400: 1:30

I was disappointed that last 400 wasn't a 1:25 or faster like last week.

I looked at my times—and pretty identical to a workout last fall. This workout had one more repitition. And I don't think it felt as hard. I was happy with the effort.

Wednesday: Off
After running 3 days straight I took a day off.

Thursday: Off
I was supposed to run today. I packed my running clothes. But then my mind just wasn't in it. I took another day off. I did do 45 minutes on the exercise bike to say I did something.

Friday: Trying out new insoles 
I went for physical therapy today. Ugh. Maybe I'll do a post on that. I tried running 4 easy miles in the new insoles. They're okay I guess. I didn't really notice. I did try to consciously strikes with my mid foot (not heel) and not lock out my knees. (I was thinking mid foot and soft knees for my runs.)

Saturday: Failed tempo
I started out this morning going to pick up new running club merchandise. Then I went to volunteer at a kids race and 5k. After I got breakfast/lunch at 1, I was supposed to do like a 35 minute tempo. It didn't happen.

I was super stressed out on my run. My head wasn't in the right place. I did a .5 mile warmup. And then just laid on the track and stared at the sky for awhile. I decided 8 minute pace would be good and drop down from there. I did 2 miles and then I called it quits. I was struggling and it was mental. I did a .5 mile cool down and figured 3 miles is better than nothing.

I also decided I would get serious about running this morning. I would start training and eating right today. And then I did half a workout and made cookies.

Sunday: Trail run
I have run longer than 8 miles in a month. 6 is the longest I've done since my knee started giving me issues. So I thought maybe 7 miles would be good for me to do. And I did it. The weather was perfect. I stopped once for water. But didn't need a crazy amount of stops like my previous runs. And my knee felt fine....until about 6.3 miles. So that's progress. And then it wasn't too, too bad.

Miles this week: 22
Runs this week 5

Friday, November 2, 2018

Physical therapy #2

Update on the knee. It's exactly the same. My thigh is super tight. It hurst to roll it. I can run on my knee. It's 90+% for walking up and down stairs but I notice that it's not 100% And I'm using that (and work stress) as an excuse for not running.

I went to physical therapy today and they had me run on a treadmill to analyze my pronation and what's going on with my running.

Guys, I failed this test. Hard.

Good things first: My cadence is perfect. Right around 180 steps per minute.

And that's the extent of what I do right.

When I first started training LAST MAY, I went to a running store and they watched me run and put me in a neutral shoe.

I watched the video at Physical Therapy and I pronate. 164 degrees on my left. 172 on my right (should be 180). My ankle collapses it. It's gross. (I would like to blame the treadmill. I run stupidly on the treadmill. Also I've always felt that I wobble a bit in my first mile and my get into my stride when I'm good and warmed up after a mile or more. But excuses, excuses.)

He also says I'm a heel striker and completely lock out my knee when I run. He wants me to land on my mid foot and bend my knees more when I run.

What this means:
Last week we addressed my hip issues, so having my hips in place when I run (which my hips being in the right place has really hurt my back). So that's causing a hips down issue. (My hips are tight when I run. I understand this.)

And the pronation/ heel striking is causing an ankle up issue. So this is just bad news for my knees.

What he said to do:
Go to the running store and buy light stability shoe. This should fix the pronation. And then focus on mid foot strike and bending my knees more.

For my therapy today, he did more cupping and some muscle stem.

I honestly didn't have that great of a visit. I thought we butted heads about the shoes. He really wanted me in light stability shoes. Not moderate stability shoes. He gave me a list of shoes that would work. And told me to go to talk to the running store owner. I was trying to look up shoes on my phone and he kept insisting I talk to the store owner. I asked about trail shoes and said it didn't matter.

And I had flashbacks of the last time I bought running shoes FROM THE SAME STORE OWNER. When I was fitted. I tried on EVERY SHOE in the store. 30 pairs. I've tried some of the pairs on the list before—because they were cute. And TBH I think I've worn light stability shoes before, when I was just buying cute shoes.

And I just don't think this is a shoe issue. I've been training the same—same shoes for 1,000 miles with no issues. What changed? I went to the trampoline park. I've been slacking on my yoga.

Also, I have about 10 pairs of neutral shoes. I have backups and backups. I LIKE my Nike Pegasus. I don't like Brooks Ravenna or Ricochet. I like them better than my heavy Asics (that I also got knee issues in.) I will get inserts, but I have so much money in shoes, I'm not switching out every pair. (Currently 5 trail shoes, 2 racing flats, 5 road shoes.)

But I was good. I went to the running store right after physical therapy. And the employee said that for light stability they usually tell people to get an insert. That's the halfway point between neutral and moderate stability. So I spent $50 on an insert that I can stick in running shoes and trail shoes.

This is Hummus. She was at the running store when I went there.