Monday, November 5, 2018

Post SeaWheeze running

SeaWheeze was such a great race—I wanted to start training to run a 1:45. It was inspiring. But I think my plans have changed.

Post race—I took a week completely off. It was glorious. I thought I'd do more yoga or go crazy not even riding a bike. I didn't. It was really nice to have free time, time to nap or get laundry done. I didn't miss running at all.

That Saturday I ran a mile just to make sure my legs weren't stiff. It was fine.

And then I decided to do a 10k at the end of the month with all of that speed I've built up all summer.

So week 2, I ran 26 miles—with 2 speed workouts: Mile repeats and 4 miles at tempo. I did a 12 mile long run.

Week 3: I was combining 10k and half training plans so I ended up running 30 miles, with 8 miles at my new race pace (I did it!), And two speed workouts, 4 mile tempo and 4 mile repeats with 400 rolling recoveries. (This might have been too much)

And then the wheels fell off. Everything was fine. I ran that 8 miles at race pace. It was hard. I think miles 4-5 were the hardest, but then I got my second wind and sped up. I was so proud of myself for doing this.

Monday, the next day I did 6 easy trail miles. The first 5 miles were fine. The last mile—EVERYTHING HURT. My hips were tight. My calf was tight. My knee hurt.

And then GIANT RED FLAG: I couldn't walk down the stairs. I took 4 days off running.

I got a massage that Wednesday. My IT band was so tight. I made a physical therapy appointment. I ran some to know that I could run without pain. But I'd be sore later.

I went to physical therapy and he said I could run, but not if it hurt.

But I used it as an excuse to not run. My head hasn't been in it. I've been having some serious work stress.

Week after my knee feeling funky: 12 miles
Week after that: 15 miles. (Didn't run that 10k)
This week: We'll see.

I think I made the decision that I am bone tired. I really like shorter distance work.  Maybe I'll do a 5k Dec. 1. I did try a workout yesterday and my head wasn't in it. So I'm not training for a 1:45 half anymore. I guess I should pick a new one.

I also think I need to take more time off. I've been training hard since January. After my next half, let's take two weeks. Or at least the second week, not super hard.

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