Sunday, December 30, 2018

10 things I learned running this year

2018 was a good running year for me. It was the second time I broke 1,000 miles (which I think I did in October actually.) I'm not sure it was a fast year, but maybe 2019 will be fast for me. But over that 1,300 miles, this is what I learned.

1) I can run a half marathon

Sometimes I drive the distance I run and I'm amazed my body can go that far. 2018 was the year I first dipped my toe into the half marathon distance—13.1 miles. First to see if I can do it, and then to see if I can go faster. I honestly don't know whether to count the trail half. It was such an awful experience. So maybe I'll count my two road half marathons. I went in with a goal of running under 2 hours going my easy pace. I felt so good I sped up. And I finished. Seawheeze in September was epic and I really want to run a faster half as soon as possible! My goal was under 1:50 and I ran 1:48. I'm hooked. A year ago I was skeptical of the distance, but it's such a confidence boost to know that I can do hard things—like run 13.1 miles.  (If I can run a half marathon surely I can get through a crappy day at work).

2) The importance of fueling 

I ran that first half marathon on NO BREAKFAST and no fuel other than water (SO STUPID. I was CRYING at mile 12.5 I was so hungry). Once I figured out eat before a half marathon (oatmeal and peanut butter 3 hours before) and to use gels, runs became a lot easier. I'm still figuring out what I like, but I'll do fuel during my long runs now. It makes long runs so much more pleasant.

At first I tried sports beans, but wasn't using enough. I had to read the labels and figure out how much to use per hour of running. I still can't shove done enough gel blocks for a half marathon, but even some sugar and caffeine makes a difference. Right now I can't do Nuun or UCANN because both have Stevia in them (which doesn't agree with me.) And I saw someone mixing gatorade with a  dirty broom handle at a race once, so I'll bring my own water, thanks.

3)  To wear a hydration pack on long runs

I started wearing a hydration pack this year. I wear it for long runs—because it's nice to be able to have water when you want it. I wore it on a long trail run without water fountains. I wear it on the summer rogue runs. There are water stops, but I like having more sips of water in the hot summer. I've run with a hand bottle a few times. At first I hated it, but for a tempo run, I don't notice it. I actually wore a hand bottle at Seawheeze. I didn't really mean to, but I wanted water for gels. I didn't mind it, and I'm glad I had it.  I haven't used the pack or hand bottle much since the summer—once I used the pack for a 10 mile long run around town.

4) That I can actually run in the morning

I did more morning runs before work this year. I made it to my first 5:30 a.m. track workout. And morning runs are doable. I actually prefer to have my run over and done with in the morning, mostly on weekends though. During the week—my habit is just evening runs. But those 5:30 a.m. track workouts were tough. And I'm glad I went. And actually I'm more productive in the mornings. My grandma body wants me to go to bed at 8:30 p.m. Maybe I need to listen?

5) Rogue runs are the best

I really loved going to Sunday 10-mile runs with my friends. I was the slowest. By far. I was walking the hills at the beginning. I was dead the rest of the day. But it toughened me up. And I loved chatting with my friends or listening to them chat. Or even having them pace me. I haven't been in awhile, but I miss it. I can't wait until it's warm enough for me to go back.

6) Volunteering is super fun

I volunteered at a lot of races this year: Twilight, Give Thanks, Ragnar, Free to Breathe. I loved every second of cheering the racers on. I never thought I'd be that person who volunteers on the weekend, but I love go to races. These are my people. I love the energy. I love seeing friends. I love it.

7) Massages can work miracles

I got a massage for tight calves this fall. it was amazing. I highly recommend a good sports massage. The masseuse worked the kinks out of the muscles. She helped the relax and get whatever toxins in them out. After I had a tight quad, I went to physical therapy twice (super expensive), when all I needed was a $35 massage. I should have done that first and saved myself some money. So if your legs are tight, or a muscle is tight—get a massage.

8) That running damages my hair

Specifically sweat, hats and ponytails have wreaked havoc on my hair this year. It's damaged and broken. I need to use a ton of leave-in conditioner on my hair. And LOTS of product in my hair when blow drying and even an overnight hair serum a few times a week has helped. My hair isn't 100% yet. It's still frizzy and crazy, but it's better.

9) Podcasts can be a great distraction

I'm super late to the Podcast game. I started downloading them this fall. I was tired of my Pandora station playing the same 5 songs over and and over. I downloaded a podcast and it wasn't what I expected. It was like a chatty friend talking to me the whole time. Only I didn't have to catch my breath to say anything. I'm not sure I loved it at first, but now I'm hooked. I'll even listen to Podcasts while cleaning. They're great. I've tried a few Podcasts. I like when athletes talk about running or their lives. I thought it would be more advice or one sided, but it's kind of cool to hear athletes talk about their compartment syndrome (like my husband had) or that they weren't an olympic level runner their first race (yeah, some were). They're great distractions. One Podcast I totally hated was this rich lady talking about her wackadoo yoga business. And she was just entitled, weird and out there. Next. I deleted that one with a vengeance.

10) Patience 

Patience was the lesson 2019 kept teaching me. I can run 14 miles—but it's easier with friends and a few breaks are okay. I can run 80 laps on an indoor track. It's not actually that bad.  Long runs teach you patience. Because you're doing the same thing for 2 hours or more. You just can't be impatient. You have to get through. And you shouldn't sprint your first mile. You can break the run up in chunks. For running on the track, I like to run 5 miles. Give myself a bathroom break and then run 5 more. It's a goal to work toward. Long runs are a life lesson just to keep going.

Bonus things I learned

• Not to skip yoga. I'll just get sore and hurt when I don't make the time.
• That I have a knack for picking rainy races (trail half, May half, Seawheeze, December 5k all in the rain).
• To pick running spots where you know where bathrooms are nearby (so important!)
• That I still need to work on some mental toughness (hello mile 3 of a 5k or second half of 10k)
• How to plan a race/ race direct. A new race. And survive.
• Epsom salts are miracle works. Great for sore legs.
• How CRAZY headwinds can be. Wow.
• How to actually foam roll. I took a class and it was mind blowing! I know how to do it correctly now.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Workouts this week - 12/17-12/23

Monday: Off

Tuesday: 5 miles
I did 5 miles of trails before the sun set. It was 61 degrees, sunny and perfect.

Wednesday: 8x600
Did a speed workout at the indoor track. I was inspired by an Instagram story that said—if you hate a workout, do it more. It will make you better. So I hate 800s, so I decided to do them.
Mile warmup. (Felt good)
Workout 6x800, with 100 meter run/walk between. (Goal around 3:30.)
• 3:32, 3:28, 3:32, 3:26, 3:31. 3:33

I did an abbreviated cool down since I had a board meeting later. These never feel as easy as I want them to. I was happy with the effort.

Thursday: yoga
Took the day off running. I went to Yoga at the Galleries, which I've been meaning to go to FOREVER.

They have a free yoga class once a month INSIDE the Georgia Museum of Art.

I was so nice and zen after the class, but my friend and I almost immediately started talking about stressful work drama. So, I guess I'm still working on letting go of anger.

Friday: Morning run
I did a junk 5 miles at the track before work. The gym was closing early and I wanted to make sure I got my run in.
And this was the worst run I've had in a while. After 1 mile, I felt like I was getting sick. I was overheating. I kept needing to stop. After 2.5 miles, I decided to take a bathroom break. And that made all of the difference. I ran 30 seconds a mile faster (the speed I should be running.) And finished my 5 miles.

Saturday: Long run
Matt said he was running 7.5 miles so I tagged along his run and added some miles to the end of the run. I probably could have run longer. Felt decent.

Sunday tempo: Wahoo
I usually take the day off after my long run. But I needed a second workout for the week. I'm playing with what races to do next. So half marathon or 5k? I think 3 tempo miles sounded good. A 5k workout said 5 miles fast. But that sounded like too many miles.

Warmup: .75 miles. I thought about maybe a .5 mile warmup, but my legs felt good, so I did an extra lap. (Sometimes they feel like garbage after a long run, they felt good today)

The tempo was maybe going to be 3 miles at half marathon pace (8 minute miles). No breaks
Mile 1: 7:55, a hair fast. My watch wasn't showing me pace again.
Mile 2: 7:49
Mile 3: 7:47
And I was feeling good. It was hard-ish, but if I want to to a half marathon at this pace, I should be able to do this. So I WOULD do the 5 fast on my training plan.
Mile 4: 7:44
Mile 5: 7:35

I did a mile cool down.

Mile this week: 32
Runs: 5, 2 workouts
1 yoga class

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Workouts this week: Dec. 10-16

Monday: Off
Had a weird day. Too many feelings today.

Tuesday: Junk miles
I guess it was supposed to be speed work today. But I didn't wanna. So I did 5 junk miles. Indoor track. Super blah.

Wednesday: Mile repeats
More indoor track. Mile warmup. Stretching. Some drills in the gym hallway. Mile repeats. (Harder than I wanted it to be)

7:08, 7:01, 7:04, 100 meter recovery between. I'd be happy with a 5K this pace—but it would take a miracle to make that happen. (or a really good taper and some adrenaline).

Looked at the last time I did them—reps were a hair faster, but with more rest between. Hoping less rest toughens me up some.

Thursday: Running off calories
We had a holiday luncheon. It was a buffet and I ate chocolate lava cake, a apple pie brownie and a fruit crumble. I needed to run off some calories.
The usual 5 miles at 9 minute pace.

Friday off
I took today off. I had vegan cheese pizza for dinner and napped.

Saturday tempo
I really didn't want to run today. It finally stopped raining, but I just didn't want to go. (Which is probably every time I run.) I had thought maybe a 5 mile tempo. But then I decided I'd do a warmup, a 3 mile tempo and then cool down for a total of 5 miles.

I did a 1/2 mile warmup and then tried to find 8 minute mile pace (half marathon pace), but ended up at 7:30 pace, which was too fast. Mile 2 I found half marathon pac, 8 flat, (and then needed a 10 second break so I stopped very briefly), and back on to mile 3 at 7:40 pace. Then 1.5 miles cool down. So had trouble finding pace today.

Sunday long run
Today, I got out the door for the run just fine. There was no dread. I knew it was Sunday. The sun was shining—it was time to run. Only I got to mile 3 and felt like I had nothing in the tank. I ate some honey stingers and didn't think I'd get to 5. I got to 5 and told myself just to get to 7 and then eventually I did get to 10. I didn't do any more. I just felt like i had no energy. I ate a big breakfast. I thought I filed right. It didn't hurt. But I did it. I'm glad I gritted out. And it's cool that I can grit it out. So proud of myself for finishing. Not sure why it was hard.

I miss running with friends. I've been running so much solo lately. I ran the 5k with people (no one I know) and then I ran with Matt Nov. 25. That's it. I need to recruit friends.

Miles this week: 30
5 runs, 2 workouts

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Workouts this week: Dec. 3-9

Monday: Long run
With a race and traveling I didn't do a long run this weekend. It was beautiful so I decided to do my long run a day late.

It took forever to get out the door. I walked the dog and got started about 30 minutes later than I would have liked. I also couldn't find my SECOND set of headphones and didn't want to run 10 miles with no distraction, so I found my dongle and stole the NEW headphones I bought for Matt.  (WHY DO I LOSE ALL MY HEADPHONES? WHERE ARE THEY??)

I decided I'd run 10 miles today. I have no idea what race I'm training for, but I love a good long run.

The weather was perfect. 62. Sunny. At first my watch wouldn't tell me pace. It was on run, not race. So I started it over and then it was on pace. I did a 3.5 mile loop. Stopped for water and gel (they seriously make all the difference). Did another 3.5 mile loop, and water and a gel, and then went out on a shorter 3 mile loop.

I listened to 2 episodes of the Ali on the Run show. There was an awesome career Q&A and then a journalist conversation.

And I just felt so much better after the run. It was a great run. Fast-ish trail pace. I felt great. Never hurting or tired. I was really angry this morning (irrationally so.) So maybe it was because I didn't do my long run. I felt a ton better after the run. And rewarded myself with a burrito bowl. (And didn't eat the chips! Yay.)

Tuesday off
I usually need a recovery day after a long run. I feel like my legs feel extra bad when I run after a long run. So off day. I tried to do some yoga, but was really unfocused.

Wednesday: Junk miles
I did 5 miles on the indoor track. It is FREEZING outside. 5 boring miles listening to podcasts.
Good news: Found my headphones this morning!!!

Thursday: impromptu 800s
I did not want to run. I was having kind of a bad day at work. I kept feeling like I was going to cry. I considered not running. But decided to just go to the gym and keep showing up. (Thanks Des Linden.)

I thought I might do some tempo miles. After a mile warmup, my legs actually felt good. Very light.

My plan was to run 2 tempo miles. But after .5 miles at 10k pace, I needed a break. (A bathroom break specifically) so I made it an 800s workout. My plan was to do 4. And I did 5. But I did a shortened cool down. I was just ready to be home. So only 4 miles today. Which is better than 0.

Reps: 3:50, 3:46, 3:38, 3:34, 3:31 with 100 meters walking recovery between each rep.

(Also Thursdays tend to be bad work days for me.)

Friday: OFF
I've got a busy weekend so the thought was to run today, but according to my Garmin I've run 30 miles in the last 7 days. So I took the day off. Whenever I go too much over 30, let legs start to feel bad. I did 35 minutes on the exercise bike instead.

Saturday: 5 with last 2 faster
Knew I was supposed to do some tempo, but didn't want to. So did a few easier miles and then sped up at the end
8:58, 8:32, 8:21, 7:31, 7:14

Sunday: 10 miles indoor
Gross weather (it hasn't stopped raining) so did 10 miles at the indoor track. Not actually that bad with a good podcast.

Miles this week: 34.9 (with last week's long run)
Runs: 5, workouts 2