Sunday, December 23, 2018

Workouts this week - 12/17-12/23

Monday: Off

Tuesday: 5 miles
I did 5 miles of trails before the sun set. It was 61 degrees, sunny and perfect.

Wednesday: 8x600
Did a speed workout at the indoor track. I was inspired by an Instagram story that said—if you hate a workout, do it more. It will make you better. So I hate 800s, so I decided to do them.
Mile warmup. (Felt good)
Workout 6x800, with 100 meter run/walk between. (Goal around 3:30.)
• 3:32, 3:28, 3:32, 3:26, 3:31. 3:33

I did an abbreviated cool down since I had a board meeting later. These never feel as easy as I want them to. I was happy with the effort.

Thursday: yoga
Took the day off running. I went to Yoga at the Galleries, which I've been meaning to go to FOREVER.

They have a free yoga class once a month INSIDE the Georgia Museum of Art.

I was so nice and zen after the class, but my friend and I almost immediately started talking about stressful work drama. So, I guess I'm still working on letting go of anger.

Friday: Morning run
I did a junk 5 miles at the track before work. The gym was closing early and I wanted to make sure I got my run in.
And this was the worst run I've had in a while. After 1 mile, I felt like I was getting sick. I was overheating. I kept needing to stop. After 2.5 miles, I decided to take a bathroom break. And that made all of the difference. I ran 30 seconds a mile faster (the speed I should be running.) And finished my 5 miles.

Saturday: Long run
Matt said he was running 7.5 miles so I tagged along his run and added some miles to the end of the run. I probably could have run longer. Felt decent.

Sunday tempo: Wahoo
I usually take the day off after my long run. But I needed a second workout for the week. I'm playing with what races to do next. So half marathon or 5k? I think 3 tempo miles sounded good. A 5k workout said 5 miles fast. But that sounded like too many miles.

Warmup: .75 miles. I thought about maybe a .5 mile warmup, but my legs felt good, so I did an extra lap. (Sometimes they feel like garbage after a long run, they felt good today)

The tempo was maybe going to be 3 miles at half marathon pace (8 minute miles). No breaks
Mile 1: 7:55, a hair fast. My watch wasn't showing me pace again.
Mile 2: 7:49
Mile 3: 7:47
And I was feeling good. It was hard-ish, but if I want to to a half marathon at this pace, I should be able to do this. So I WOULD do the 5 fast on my training plan.
Mile 4: 7:44
Mile 5: 7:35

I did a mile cool down.

Mile this week: 32
Runs: 5, 2 workouts
1 yoga class

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