Sunday, December 9, 2018

Workouts this week: Dec. 3-9

Monday: Long run
With a race and traveling I didn't do a long run this weekend. It was beautiful so I decided to do my long run a day late.

It took forever to get out the door. I walked the dog and got started about 30 minutes later than I would have liked. I also couldn't find my SECOND set of headphones and didn't want to run 10 miles with no distraction, so I found my dongle and stole the NEW headphones I bought for Matt.  (WHY DO I LOSE ALL MY HEADPHONES? WHERE ARE THEY??)

I decided I'd run 10 miles today. I have no idea what race I'm training for, but I love a good long run.

The weather was perfect. 62. Sunny. At first my watch wouldn't tell me pace. It was on run, not race. So I started it over and then it was on pace. I did a 3.5 mile loop. Stopped for water and gel (they seriously make all the difference). Did another 3.5 mile loop, and water and a gel, and then went out on a shorter 3 mile loop.

I listened to 2 episodes of the Ali on the Run show. There was an awesome career Q&A and then a journalist conversation.

And I just felt so much better after the run. It was a great run. Fast-ish trail pace. I felt great. Never hurting or tired. I was really angry this morning (irrationally so.) So maybe it was because I didn't do my long run. I felt a ton better after the run. And rewarded myself with a burrito bowl. (And didn't eat the chips! Yay.)

Tuesday off
I usually need a recovery day after a long run. I feel like my legs feel extra bad when I run after a long run. So off day. I tried to do some yoga, but was really unfocused.

Wednesday: Junk miles
I did 5 miles on the indoor track. It is FREEZING outside. 5 boring miles listening to podcasts.
Good news: Found my headphones this morning!!!

Thursday: impromptu 800s
I did not want to run. I was having kind of a bad day at work. I kept feeling like I was going to cry. I considered not running. But decided to just go to the gym and keep showing up. (Thanks Des Linden.)

I thought I might do some tempo miles. After a mile warmup, my legs actually felt good. Very light.

My plan was to run 2 tempo miles. But after .5 miles at 10k pace, I needed a break. (A bathroom break specifically) so I made it an 800s workout. My plan was to do 4. And I did 5. But I did a shortened cool down. I was just ready to be home. So only 4 miles today. Which is better than 0.

Reps: 3:50, 3:46, 3:38, 3:34, 3:31 with 100 meters walking recovery between each rep.

(Also Thursdays tend to be bad work days for me.)

Friday: OFF
I've got a busy weekend so the thought was to run today, but according to my Garmin I've run 30 miles in the last 7 days. So I took the day off. Whenever I go too much over 30, let legs start to feel bad. I did 35 minutes on the exercise bike instead.

Saturday: 5 with last 2 faster
Knew I was supposed to do some tempo, but didn't want to. So did a few easier miles and then sped up at the end
8:58, 8:32, 8:21, 7:31, 7:14

Sunday: 10 miles indoor
Gross weather (it hasn't stopped raining) so did 10 miles at the indoor track. Not actually that bad with a good podcast.

Miles this week: 34.9 (with last week's long run)
Runs: 5, workouts 2

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