Saturday, April 22, 2017

Tarantula trail 5k

My goal was to run more races this year—and I've run my third race in four weekends.

Today's run was a trail 5k. And I signed up because I wanted to run a trail race. (It was the Tarantula 5K, a fundraiser for the UGA insect zoo. They actually had some tarantulas you could look at in cages.) 

I've been training for a 10k, so I wasn't really looking forward to this race. I usually do long runs on Saturday, and I kind of felt it took away from training (and that's too many races.) But trail races aren't that frequent so I got up and raced it.

My race prep was my usual workouts for the week. I ran 6 miles on hills Thursday. I took Friday off. I did try to walk the course Friday (And once before) and got turned around, so I never successfully walked it. I've been eating pretty clean in general, but didn't go out of my way to eat clean for this.

I got up Saturday morning and got ready. Since it was Earth Day, I decided on a ridiculous outfit: A green tank top and Werkshop crops in a raindrop pattern.

I showed up, got my number and sprayed myself in bug spray they had provided. (The bugs tried to eat me alive on Friday and even that morning. Gnats and mosquitos galore.) I got my bib attached and generally hung around awkwardly since I didn't see anyone I knew.

We lined up to race. We ran down a hill—the three runners from Athens Running Company took the lead and I let them. I focused on running easy, but strong.

There was a girl who was HOLDING her iPhone out in front of me. She tried to pass me. My watch said 7:30 pace. I thought ha,ha and let her ahead. I'd catch her in the hills. Less than 20 seconds later, she fell hard onto the side of the trail (because she wasn't watching her feet.) I heard the crash and kept going. There were lots of runners hot on my tail.

A 20-year-old in a long sleeve pullover past me going at a fast pace. I let her lead. She led me up the hill on the red trail. (I didn't walk!) This was a good pace. We got down to the river at about halfway through the course and the course was narrow—one person wide. I wanted to pass this girl, but couldn't. So I used it as recovery. Meanwhile the girl kept pulling at her booty shorts. I don't know how long this lasted 1/4 mile, maybe more. Finally I stepped quickly to the right, stepped in front of her and took off. I actually looked back several times to see if she would catch up. She was fading. (At least two more girls past her before she finished)

And at the 2 mile the course is flat and along the river (very pretty). And I was feeling strong. I felt as though my 6-mile runs had made me strong.

(And looking back, I did NOT training for that 5k last August right. I thought because I ran 3 miles a few times a week and occasionally a 4-miler I could do it. Haha. That’s why I died.)

I got to the fence that means one more mile until the end. From there, it’s ½ mile of river and ½ mile up a hill. (I usually run this part of the course, but in the other direction.)

And finally it was the last climb to the finish.

At this point I was feeling strong—I hadn’t walked a step (which is a goal—to not have to walk at the hilly botanical garden.) And I died. My heart was pounding. I had nothing left. I walked 10 steps and started again. I ran. I walked another few steps and the plunged up the hill to the finish line. I flexed for the camera (because I am a dork) and then I was done.

26:38, which isn’t bad for a hilly trail course.

I got fifth place overall. Second place female. The girl from the running shop beat me. (I knew she would. She is fast.)

I signed my card and then ran/walked until my Apple Watch said 30 minutes so I could get this Earth Day badge.

Strava said I averaged about 8:22 pace.

My splits were
And then 2:30 for the climb up the hill.
It was 5:58 for that last ½ mile or about 9:27 pace. That last hill killed me. My heart was beating so fast. I recovered quickly since it was only three miles.

And turns out I did know someone there. Yay!

Maria, who I know from yoga and classes at Ramsey, was 15 seconds behind me. She finished third place female.

And when I got the results there were five 20-something women who finished within 45 seconds of me. I like that I beat the youngsters :) Maybe I was leading the pack? (I certainly didn’t see them behind me. They probably caught up as I was dying at the end.)

Overall, I guess I’m glad I did the race. It was nice to see Maria. I liked that I felt so strong in the middle. The course was pretty great (except the end).  Not a bad way to start a morning.

So now I just need to figure out what to do with all of my race bibs and medals.

My next race will be the Marigold 10k May 20, which I haven’t registered for yet. Let’s see if I can get tougher before then.

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