Wednesday, October 28, 2015

What I learned in my flying trapeze workshop

I took my last workshop class. It was six classes on Sunday or Wednesday night. I think my big takeaway is that I have so much more to learn.

I started learning my one-handed take-off. I started learning my swing. I'm still working on both. But a swing does usually take a while to learn. Everyone told me this.

I didn't learn as many tricks as I thought I would over the 6 classes, because I had to learn so many of the foundation skills. And because after the front end tricks—the tricks get harder. They're not one-class tricks anymore. And towards the end of the workshop, I worked on perfecting my two tricks for the end of workshop show, so I could throw them even when nervous.

I did catch both of my show tricks at class tonight ;) (Woot! Only person with two catches tonight. Bonus: Two catches for two tricks)

Backend Straddle. 

Seat roll. Wonky catch. I need to straighten out after coming off the bar. 

Also, I got to swing with Kaz on the bar. I didn't think he was serious when he said we were both going to swing on the bar. But we did, so I could feel/see what my swing should be. Forward, backward, forward, extend, etc. Once I got over the extreme embarrassment of it, it was actually helpful. But it took at least five minutes to stop being embarrassed. (I still need to be smoother, one fluid motion, maybe more relaxed than I am now.)

It starts off okay and then my timing gets off

It was my first class with a rain delay.  The weather has been gross all week. The forecast for today was rainy but I was confident it would clear up for the class. The morning started out cold and rainy and then cleared up and got up to 75 by the afternoon. So it was beautiful at the rig. But about 30 minutes into class, I hadn't even had my second swing, it started sprinkling gradually. And then it was a light rain. (My iPhone weather app said CLEAR even though the phone was wet. It's in an Otterbox so it's fine.) But it's looking like the weather might not be great for the show Sunday. The forecast is currently 100% chance of thunderstorms.

Since it was the last workshop class ever, I did end up buying a T-shirt. And then since it was $5, another T-shirt. So I can look legit when I go to other rigs.

Here's what I learned in the workshop:

1. I started working on my swing. So I learned most of this. (Still on forward, backward forward, not Seven, Hollow and Sweep)
2. I learned how to take off my safety lines. And I got a lot better at unhooking them and walking them to the board. (This got noticeably better!)
3. Trick: Backend straddle
4. Trick: Backend split
5. Started to learn trick: Straight jump
6. That I'm still a belt hold. I can work towards not being a belt hold, but for now, I am.
7. The importance on filing down your calluses so your hands don't rip. (I don't need grips yet, but do make sure to chalk your hands before your swings.)
8. That going to the trapeze rig once or twice a week really helps. It's amazing how fast your muscles forget a trick.
9. If you take a night class, wear white or neon to show up in videos.

I think I am better than when I started the workshop. The safety lines might be the biggest difference.

I'm very glad I got the opportunity to do this workshop and to take trapeze classes this fall. I love it.

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