Monday, July 7, 2014

Gym brain

So I cannot write after I come back from the gym. I feel like working out flips some switch in my brain to revert to caveman mode and leave me incapable of conjugating verbs.

This always happens. I come back from the gym and have a free hour to write—only my brain is mush and all I can do is stare at my computer screen. Maybe I'll troll the Facebook feeds or watch hulu (we cancelled cable). But I can't manage anything productive with this free hour.

I googled it and apparently gym brain actually is a thing:

Scientists have even studied it.

I'll take it as a good sign that I got a good workout. Thank you Laura and your slightly evil but effective gymnastics ab drill.

Favorite line of tonight's workout:
Context: I was whining about the ab drills. Hips on raised pads, with a partner (Grace) holding my feet down and were were doing holds (hold a swim position, go up and down, side to side obliques).

Grace: Think of all the clothes you can wash
Me: ???
Grace: on your wash board abs.
Me: Thanks, Grace.

I should add that Grace (who is a medical student and I bother her way too much about med school because I think it's fascinating and wish I were smart enough to go to med school) cheated on abs by using the trampoline do bounce back up. I thought it was a genius way to outsmart the evil ab drill. (She mostly did this to be funny, and it worked.)

So because my brain is mush, I will give you a gratuitous picture of me and the dog. He's always happy to see me when I come home from the gym.

Does gym brain happen to anyone else? Does cardio turn anyone stupid?

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