Sunday, July 9, 2017

Workouts this week: July 3-9


July 3: Off day
Another Monday off day. I actually had big plans to RUN and lift weights. But I came home and slept for two hours.

I ran 120+ miles in June. My body is tired. I'm worried I'm over training. I feel like I need to sleep for three days.

July 4: speed work
Day off work. Wahoo. I got up at the same time as I do and was out the door at 7:30 a.m. for speed work. I tried a Nike workout. The workout said 2 minutes between the intervals. I walked 200 meters between most of them. 100 meters for one or two of them.

2 x 200 meters at mile pace (:37, so 5:01 pace, and :41, so 5:37 pace)
400 at 5k pace, 1:37 (6:15 pace)
800 at 10k pace, 3:32 (6:50 pace),
400 at marathon pace, 1:57 (7:46 pace)
200 at mile pace, 43 (5:49 pace)

So I paced that all WAY TOO fast. That's why it was so hard. I also took yesterday off so I had fresh legs and could go a little faster than I would on tired legs.
My 10k pace would be a FAST 5k for me in a few months. My marathon pace was close to my 10k pace.
So I worked on getting fast. I'm not really complaining about going to fast. I wasn't looking at my pace on my watch. I only saw the paces when I was done. I was running what I could run.

And that wasn't a lot of mileage so I ran a cool down mile. It felt super heavy and slow. I was sure it was a 9 minute mile or more. 7:25.
I guess after running fast, a 7:25 felt slow?

As I was starting my cool down, a bunch of 8- or 9-year-old boys showed up to the track. I'm not sure if they were a soccer team or youth track league. And I think they were running a mile. I'm not sure. I lapped four of them. Some of them weren't trying. They were walking. Ahh, to have that youthful energy again.

July 5: I don't wanna run
Today was about as unmotivated as I've ever been to run. I was tired. My quads hurt (why do they always hurt?) It was 93 degrees outside so too hot to safely run.

Thankfully, I have the option of the gym, so I begrudgingly headed there to run on either the indoor track or treadmill. I opted for the indoor track, since it wasn't too busy (and I am super slow on a treadmill). I ran a total of 42 laps. The goal was to run 5 miles and I ran the extra 2 so my Garmin would count 5 miles.

It counted my first mile exactly right, but then I kept losing 10ths. Not sure what that is about.

I went home and iced and put on compression socks. GO AWAY SHIN SPLINTS. There was some discomfort when I was running. Mostly the first mile.

I think I'm going to take next week off running.

July 6-7 Off
Took two days off pre-race. I should have gone to yoga. Instead I worked late. I did stretch on Thursday. Friday, I felt like I was getting sick and was in bed at 9 p.m.

July 8: 4k race
Separate post on the race. It was hilly. My reward was pizza for lunch.

July 9: OFF
I thought about going to weights and yoga. I blew off weights to take a nap and then stayed home from yoga to work an overdue report for week.  My shins were achy today.

Days running: 3
Miles run: 10
Workouts: 3 runs and lots of naps.

Next week's report should be even more sparse. I've been running on empty for a few weeks and need to recharge.

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