Sunday, July 16, 2017

Week off running: Recap

I've taken a week off running. It's the first week I've not run since February 2016 when I got really sick.

I thought it would be harder. That I'd go crazy. That I really would want to run.

Nope. I quite enjoyed the week. Saturday morning, I usually go running. That's my routine. So I thought about it the most then. Instead I rode the exercise bike for an hour and then went on a marathon of errands. (Ok, more like a 10k. I had 6 places to go.)

I enjoyed the extra time I had. I enjoyed not being so tired in the evening. And I generally felt less tired. (I've been feeling extremely run down lately.) really I needed a week to recharge.

I did four yoga classes and two stationary bike workouts. I avoided weight lifting, since that's apparently the root cause of my injury (tight quads leading to knee and shin issues). I even asked a friend to teach me about lap swimming

I think if I wanted to walk away from running, it would be easy. I could stop now. And I'm not sure that I'd really regret it.

I remember being constantly injured running in high school. I pushed my body harder and harder to go faster and that often meant shin splints or knee pain. I don't really want to go that route again, My goal for the year was to stay healthy.

I think I'll start running on Tuesday and see how it goes. If I lose fitness, so be it. I can make it up. I have no races scheduled until next April.

I don't think I'm quitting running, but we'll see how getting back into it goes.

If it's not too hard on my my body, I have a few things I'd like to see if I could do in the next few months.

Mini goals
1) Run a 5k under 23 minutes
2) Get my mile time down to 6:30 (or 6:28 so I can match that pace chart I have)
3) Get my 10k time down to 48 minutes

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