Sunday, May 7, 2017

Workouts this week: 5/1 - 5/7

Fat cat + gymnastics mat. Somewhat related to fitness?
Monday: Body pump + slow run
I did BodyPump today. And as always, lunges killed me. Why am I so bad at lunges. I used NO WEIGHT and couldn't do the reps. Tired legs? I don't know.

I got a new watch so I wanted to try it out so I attempted to run afterwards. Hahahahaha.

I got 200 meters in and my legs were not having it. It was my slowest run in FOREVER. But I was okay with that. I used to run after doing weights in high school. But not at that intensity. So I ran 2.5 slow miles and hoped it loosened up my legs some. I knew it was a bad idea. Hopefully I didn't do any damage.

Tuesday: Speed work at the track

Today the workout was 800s. It was a small group. Only four people. Of very different speeds. The lead guy did his own 800s. And then I did my 800s at a different rate. And then a dad and a son did them at another different rate.

My splits were pretty good: 3:40, 3:43, 3:42, 3:42, and then the coach told me to crank it out in the last 200 meter. I did and ran a 3:22. Which is the fastest 800 I think I've run! I was impressed.

I might have cursed (in surprise!). I might have apologized to the kid. (Sorry!)

I was pretty impressed with my last 800.

I'd love to run a sub 7 mile this year.

Wednesday: trail run

No gymnastics today so I decided to run. I just ran 4 miles of trails. I had wanted to do two strava routes. To take my course record back on one and to try another one. But I went the wrong way on both of them. Haha.

On the one I was trying to take back my record from, I went up the main hill, instead of by the lake, like I prefer. Oops.

And the other one, I guessed the wrong way. So I ran in backwards. haha. (I do this all the time.)

It was 83 degrees and I had to walk a few times. Can I blame the heat? Being tired from speed work yesterday? It wasn't my worst run, but not great.

Also, the GNATS. A few might have flown in my mouth. I found some stuck on my sweat and in my tank top. The gnats were out in force tonight. Super gross.

Thursday: Off
Today I was tired. Which is funny. I had EXTRA ENERGY Wednesday morning. Not sure if it was from the speed work, but I was high on good endorphins and getting all sorts of stuff done at work. Thursday I just wanted a nap and had no energy. (Got about the same amount of sleep both nights.) I don't think I drank enough water on Wednesday, which is probably also part of the problem.

Friday: 5 mile race pace

I wanted to do 5 miles race pace before the 10k. So I headed to the indoor track, since it was raining and I wasn't doing this on a trail.

So I ran 40 laps around an 1/8th of a mile track. 40 laps. I think I should get a medal for that alone. THAT IS SO MANY LAPS.

The goal was steady laps. I wanted to run 8 flats for 5 miles. This was most important for laps 4 and 5. I tend to die on mile 4 or 5 in a race.

Splits were 8:01, 8:09, 8:079, 8:066, 7:37

And my total moving time for 40:03.

So I lost three seconds for 40 laps. Which is awesome. (And I think I lost those seconds fiddling with my watch.)

And it wasn't super hard. I didn't die afterwards. I wonder if my pace is actually closer to 7:50. (7:40 is my next goal) 7:55? It wasn't easy and I couldn't get those middle laps faster, because I was trying so hard to be steady.

The Garmin was exactly as accurate as my Apple watch. it said I ran 4.8 miles and had my laps at .95 mile. (I hit lap every time I crossed the starting line). And I did get the pace alert function to work. Though the voice would say I was running 8:10 or 8:20 since it wasn't tracking my distance correctly.

Overall, it was a good run. What will my 10k time be?

Working graduation. In the cold and rain.
This is three hours before the ceremony.
This lululemon rain jacket was a lifesaver!
On the field during the ceremony. Coworker is not impressed.
Saturday: run
Saturday is usually my long run. BUT I was feeling tired after working graduation the night before (standing around in heels for hours. My quads were sore). I would have liked to run 7 miles, but I didn't have that much in the tank. So I went out to the IM Fields and decided to just run whatever I could run. (I needed 9+ to make my mileage for the week, so 4.5 or 5 would be good.) And it was too gorgeous of a day not to run. I got in 6.5 miles with a few walk breaks (10 steps). I ran for an hour.

THIS is why I love running trails. So pretty.

Sunday: Run + yoga

Pretty flowers I passed on my run
I needed to run 2.6 miles today to make my goal of 25 miles this week. It was a little chilly this morning, but I went out around 9:30 a.m. My plan was to run 1.3 miles out and back. I crossed the street and ran on the sidewalk across from my house. The sidewalk cut a corner off the route I drove, so that 1.3 mile was about the distance to the Golden Pantry on the corner. I ran there and back. And was feeling pretty good and decided I'd have a good 5k time so I ran 3.1. So 24.08. And it felt like a GOOD speed. That first mile I just ran. I didn't look at my watch. It wasn't pushing. It wasn't slow. I have no idea if I could do that for 6 miles. But it was a good run. (Yesterday was hard.)

The Yoga for runners at Athens Running Company at 5:30. Talked to Coach Mike some about running. And how I have no idea what speed I'm going to run in two weeks. And no idea what speed I am in general. His plan for me is mile repeats Tuesday. He wanted me to run 7:30s. Ugh.

Which maybe I can do? Except it's going to be like 84 degrees. Ugh.

Miles this week: 25.51
Days running: 6
Workouts 6 runs, one yoga class, one strength session.

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