Sunday, September 3, 2017

Workouts this week 8/28 - 9/3

Monday: Off
Took Monday off. I was tired and went to bed early.

Tuesday: 6:30 workouts
Because I went to bed early, I got up early and did the 6:30 a.m. yoga class at Ramsey. I walked in at 6:30 a.m. I was the last person there (oops), and there were 18 people in the class. Whenever I've done these early classes, there's never more than 8 or so in the class. I guess it's the beginning of the semester so everyone has the best intentions.

New track surface. The grey sections are new.

I also  did a 6:30 p.m speed workout at the track. And I am back. After my two weeks of shin splints (almost two months ago) I think I'm back to speed. And hooray!

This was my first workout on the newly resurfaced track.

.5 mile warmup, 3 400s, 2 800s, 3 400s and a 1.25 mile cool down

1:43, 1:42, 1:41, 3:37, 3:30, 1:35, 1:34, 1:25

Wednesday: New trail

Trail Creek Park

Today was the Athens Road Runners Trail Series. We tried Trail Creek Park. It's actually only a mile from my office and I'd never been there before. (It's pretty close to the ghetto.)

I got there early and tried to get a lap in before joining the group, but I took too long on the trail and missed the group. I found them later, so yay.

1. This trail is VERY technical. Maybe the most technical I'd ever run on. There are lots of roots. Lots of switchbacks and hairpin turns. It's a mountain bike trail and I bet it would be a fun trail—if you're an adventurer and like adrenaline (I'd guess it's not for beginners.) There are hills and curves and rock outcroppings. It's not flat, but the hills are small so not super long and awful.

2. It's not a fast trail. I was running 90 seconds to 2+ minutes slower per mile than I usually do on a trail.  BUT I felt like I was going FAST and was working hard to run 11 minute miles. That might be the slowest I've ever run in my life. Oh well. Maybe it was the sharp turns that slowed me down?

So I missed the group at the beginning and found them when they were maybe a mile into their run. My goal today was 4-5 miles. I got to 4 and decided to do one more. Then I got to 4.5 and found Sally. I finished out my planned 5 miles with her (and it was nice to slow down and chat with her) and decided I could do another mile with her. But I was tripping a lot, so I asked her to lead. And then needed to slow down. (I'm the WORST RUNNING PARTNER EVER). There were some turns we didn't know which way to go, so we ran over a bridge, and under a bridge, and maybe got slightly turned around. We eventually found our way back to the start, and did a lap around this field/walking track so I got to 6. And Sally ran another mile and a half to get to her intended 3 miles.

Thursday: Easy miles
I did 5 easy miles after work.

IM Fields. Again.

Friday: Long-ish run and yoga
I woke up and decided I would do that race Monday. I'm off work. The weather looks like. It's flat. So I decided to do a longer run (in place of my Saturday long run) on Friday and rest over the weekend. (I also took today off work) So I did 7.2 miles at the IM fields. I ran 7 of trails and then did 6.6 miles of trails and then did a few loops around a grass soccer field barefoot. I like to think it uses different muscles. It was a nice run.

And I went to black light yoga with Sally. I was in a weird mood though, so I didn't paint my face like I sometimes do.

Saturday: OFF
Nothing for me today. I walked the dog. And did a lot of chores around the house.

Sunday: OFF
I went outlet mall shopping and had WAY too much fun. Didn't buy any new Nikes, but they had the Free RN and the Pegasus and I was thinking about them.

Easy day and went to bed early. Set the alarm for 5:30 for the race.

Miles this week: 22.3
Workouts this week:  4 runs, 2 yoga classes (mini race taper)

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