Sunday, March 26, 2017

Workouts this week: March 19

New trail shoes. Nike Zoom Wildhorse 3. Really like them.

March 19: Off. 

March 20: Yoga
I went to a gentle yoga class today. It was my first time to Monday yoga. We used bolsters a lot. I don't like bolsters really. And I don't like reclining positions. I left the class feeling super relaxed and mellow.

The plan was to go run a mile afterwards, but I didn't want to ruin my chill so I didn't.

March 21: Trail run---super slow
This is usually when I do my long run, but it was 86 degrees, so I decided to scale it back. I went to the Botanical Garden to run, since the trails would be shadier and cooler to run in. And it wasn't a good run.

That first mile, I really had to push myself to run my normal time. And I crashed about at mile 1.5 where the hills starts. I walked the second half of the course and it was my slowest run in a year.

WHY!? Why was this run so bad.
1. The heat. I haven't run in 80 degree weather in a LONG time. I'm not used to it yet.
2. It's a hard course. I ran it 3 minutes faster two weeks ago. But the weather was cooler then. This course is mentally hard too. I kept giving up on the hills. I shouldn't have.
3. I've been tired for a while. After two days off I thought I'd recovered, but maybe not.

So here's hoping my next run is better.

March 22 - Off, short run
I felt bad all day at work. My quads were sore from the climb. I went home and slept. And that's what I needed.

Wednesday is my usual gymnastics day but I skipped it to nap. Then I needed to work out my quads so I did 15 minutes on the exercise bike. Then I was going to go on an easy run. The goal was one mile, but I was feeling good so I did two. Under 8 for both my miles. I always run trails so it's nice to have faster times on the road. I tried out some new shoes.

I found some $115 Pearl Izumi road shoes on sale for $35 at TJ Maxx. They're 9 ounces and I think what I'm going to run in next weekend. They did great. And I felt great on the run. Hooray! Only 9 more miles to run this week.

March 23: long run

I wasn't sure if I was going to do my long run today or Saturday. I decided to see how I felt.

I slept great last night. So I didn't have my usual fatigue going on.

IM Fields. Where I always run.

I wanted my long run to be at Sandy Creek but didn't feel like going out there today. I went to the trails near the university and said I'd run at least 4. Maybe 7. The temperature was good. I felt okay. And sure enough I got to 7. When I get to 9 minute miles I feel like I can run forever. So maybe I should slow down on my runs. I ran 7.09 miles in a little less than 61 minutes. So I'll take that. It was a decent run. About the same as my normal speed. No course records on Strava.

March 24: Friday yoga
I love my Friday yoga class. It's the best way to end the week. Except there was a crazy swim meet going on so kids everywhere.

Also, I want to learn to do a forearm stand.

Bibim-Bop bowl for Friday lunch

March 25: Lots of workouts
I really wanted to do flying trapeze today and had two miles to run to make my goal of 15 miles per week. So I went to the indoor track to do speed work first thing in the morning. I had written down to do 5 x 400s, but for some reason I ran an 800 for my first one. And decided that 800s would be good for me. I did four of those and then a mile since I felt like I should get more miles in. (I really don't follow my training plan at all).

I ran 3:40, 3:41, 3:47, 3:53 and then 7:51. I then hurried home, showered and drove an hour to Atlanta for an hour trapeze class.

That was my birthday present to myself. I had wanted my friends to come. No one came. I was sad for a little but. But I did the class by myself and had fun.

It wasn't my best day.

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