Saturday, May 23, 2015

Running hiatus

This year I decided I was going to run more. Since I got a member to the university gym in January, I've run faithfully once a week or more. I finally got my 5k time under 25 minutes. I was planning on adding more miles and runs during the week. But my knee has other plans.

It's been painful for about a week now. I tried doing some stretches for when my left knee hurt last year, but I'm not sure it's helping. Thursday I tried to go running and I got about 7 minutes in before I started feeling awful stabbing pains in my knee. I tried to push through it. If I ran softly it didn't seem to hurt, but I gave up. I couldn't. The pain was still there. So I count Thursday as my off day.

I went to Pure Barre yesterday and my knee was the worst it's been. If I bend my knee and put weight on it, it hurt.

I need to see a physical therapist. But to do that I have to see a sports medicine doctor, which would take few days for an appointment, and then another week to see the physical therapist, and I want my knee to be back to normal in 2 weeks.

There's a girl in Pure Barre who told me she worked as a physical therapist. I went up to her after class and asked her about my knee. I'm sure she hates when people do that. I hate asking, but it's easier than waiting 2 weeks for an appointment.

She was so nice and helpful. So much more so than I expected. It made my day.

She thought it was my IT band and that I needed to stretch it. She showed me some stretches and indeed it did feel tight. She might be right. And saves me a bunch of time.

I went home and stretched and iced. And this morning I didn't run. So I broke my run once a week rule. (I did try to run Thursday). So sorry goals, I need to get my knee better.

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