Friday, January 16, 2015

Bringing a GoPro to Tumbling

I got a GoPro for Christmas. I am beyond excited.

I thought I'd play with it this week and take it to Wednesday night tumbling.

I took it out of the box (which was actually super complicated and I had my husband do for me). And here are a few things about a GoPro

1) No viewfinder! You can't see what you're shooting. No one told me this!
2) You can synch it to an iPhone or iPad to control it or show you what you're shooting.
3) It's super tiny, but tough.
4) Accessories. You will spend a fortune on it.

I got a $30 pack of accessories from Amazon including a chest harness and head mount. I got the chest harness out for tumbling. Here's me doing a flip with the GoPro on my chest. I actually do two flips. I think it's super cool how I can see my feet and the camera must know I'm going to make the landing.

Here's a video of my front tuck. It's not the best because I'm still learning the GoPro. And the coach is right, my flips are low! Seeing it helps so much.

The downside of playing with the camera is that I wasn't very focused on working on my back handspring. I was a mess. Next time, I should work on what I want to work on and just get the camera out for 10 or so minutes. Then I won't be such a mess.

Next time, I want to try cartwheels and flips with the camera on my head. Or maybe put it on one of the girls who can really flip!

What else should I do with the GoPro? Any ideas?

Hopefully you'll see more (and better) videos later this year.

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