Monday, October 16, 2017

Workouts this week: Oct. 9-15

This was a tired week of working out: a few rough runs.

Monday: Off
Rest day. Caught up on SNL from the weekend

Tuesday: Speed work
It was 86 degrees and 70% humidity.  I think that’s all I need to say. It was hot and soupy out. It felt like June and everyone was complaining about the weather.

The workout was 2 1200s and 2 800s and a bonus 400 if you wanted.

I aimed to go around 7 minute pace. Hahahaha. With the heat, that wasn’t happening.

My 1200s were both at 5:16. Which is 7 minute mile pace plus one second.

Then on to 800s. My first lap felt hard. My second lap was utter garbage. 3:31. I felt sick. My stomach hurt. I felt like I was going to barf. It’s one of the worst laps I’ve had since coming back after shin splints.

I took an extra 10-20 seconds to recover after everyone else. (My recoveries are usually shorter since I’m the last to finish). I ran another 3:31. It was hard. So hard. It was the second lap again. My legs were okay. My body was just working too hard in the heat.

I didn’t do the bonus 400. I had nothing left. I barely finished the last 800.

I did a cool down for an even 4 miles. That was super hard.

Wednesday: 5 miles
It feels like July outside. I ran 5 miles. It wasn’t as bad as yesterday, but it’s just too hot to feel good on a run. 85 degrees. The trails were practically empty. I didn’t see as many other as I usually do. There was also a big tree down (new) at the bottom of the main hill—so to get around you needed some knowledge of the trails. So lots of things to go around on this run. There’s a fence near the band practice field, the chain at the top of the hill, a lot of the side trails taped off (so varying degrees of being able to go around.)

Thursday: off
I was supposed to run 4 or 6 miles today. I decided it was too hot and I wasn’t running. I WAS going to go to yoga, but I had to work a few minutes late, so I didn’t go to yoga. And I didn’t do yoga at home. I walked Mojo, did 20 minutes on the exercise bike and then did 10 minutes of stretching and rolling. Oh well.

Friday: 4 miles + yoga
I’m back on track after yesterday’s laziness. I ran 4 miles at the iM Fields.

I had my hair braided and my elastics fell out around mile 1.5. So I ran almost a mile with my hair tucked in my sports bra. I did thankfully find the elastics again. Yay.
There’s a new obstacle every time I run this trail. I noticed a “Do Not Enter” sign for the first time. I was past it before I realized what it said. They have installed another gate in the forest part of the trail (in addition to the gate at the bottom of the area between the tennis courts and the Redcoat practice field). They added some gravel after the (open) gate. Ugh.
And maybe people are heeding the sign I only now noticed, because I see way less people out there.

Then I went to yoga. There were only two people + the instructor. This happens every now and then. It’s a good way to stretch after a run.

Saturday: Long run
Third 10 miler today. I felt a little tired on this one. I took my first gel. I was trying it out. I think other than being gross (the texture!) it had NO effect on me at all. I didn’t notice a difference.

The trail was covered in leaves—which slows me down a tad (since I can’t see the roots and there are roots EVERYWHERE on this trail.) Saw three deer. Including the two from last week.

I think I only had 8 in the tank today, because I got to 8 and my legs would not turn over.


Those last two miles were utter garbage. They were hard. I wanted to walk. And I didn’t know WHERE TO RUN. I found this little trail and I wondered if it would work. I tried running road miles and my legs didn’t like that—I was running super slow and my feet weren’t landing right so I switched to an unknown windy trail and that helped some. I had nothing left.

And then my legs were achier after I finished. (They’re usually fine.) I felt like I was stiff and a little more limpy than normal.

NOT my dog. His doppelgänger
at the nature center where I did my run. 

I did get 25,000 steps in for the day. Which is awesome.

Sunday: Run + yoga
I was up at 5 because the dog and the cat both puked. (Super gross. Don’t ask.) And I couldn’t go back to sleep. That’s off topic, but oh well.

I had 1.7 miles to run to make my goal of 25 miles. And I’ve only done 2.5 in speed work so I did some more speed.

I did a walking and running warm up (½ mile) and then did 3 1000-meter repeats. Which is a fun little workout. 5 laps at the indoor track. 60 second between each.

I was supposed to run around 4:23 for each 1,000 as part of a sub 22 5k workout plan I saw online. I thought a few seconds slower would be okay, because I’m not quite there yet.

4:30 (7:12 pace)
4:22 (6.59 pace)
4:13 (6.45 pace).

So a nice progression there.

I started a little slow but within target. (7:12 would be perfect for a 5k). My watch doesn’t do pacing right for indoor runs. It was saying 7:40 pace or 8:35 pace for these laps. (Also I just noticed it said 90 second recovery, but I thought it was 60 seconds, so oops again).

I ran another lap so it would be 3200 meters or two miles.

Then I headed to yoga. I like this combo of speed work plus yoga. It makes sure I stretch after the run. And I need to stretch.

Week by numbers:
Workouts this week: 5 runs, 2 yoga classes.
(And a lot of bad runs this week. Tuesday and Wednesday, it was too hot to run. Saturday I was tired. Friday and Sunday were okay.)
Miles this week: 25.85

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