Monday, February 15, 2016

Taking a sick day

Haven't blogged at all this week because I've been sick.

I've had a fever over 100 for four days. I think this is the sickest I've been since college. Ugh.

(And I am utterly worthless when running a fever. I do not think straight. Or do logical things.)

And here's the deal: DO NOT WORKOUT WHEN YOU ARE SICK.

Don't go to the gym and get your germs all over the equipment and breathe on your class mates. It's just a bad idea.

I've done easy runs with a mild head cold before (solo) but that's the extent of it.

This week, I was tired Tuesday so didn't work out. And the fever started Wednesday so I just stayed home and whined. And took my temperature every hour. (101.4).  I did try to get some exercise in. I have a stationary bike at home—so I tried that—super low speed to get some calorie burn in and meet my Apple Watch goals for two days but it really was really a bad idea. I was already burning up inside from the fever. I didn't need to get even hotter.

I think I was most upset that this illness made me break my Apple Watch move streak. And because I couldn't work out, now I can't get my perfect month badge :(

The Apple Watch is SOOOO ANNOYING when you are sick.

1. It gives you TIME TO STAND reminders every hour.
Seriously, it needs an option for I'M SICK today. Because you can't get more than an hour's worth of sleep for this thing chiming at you.
It does have a mute for the day option. And I could take it off. But I'm running a fever and therefore not thinking straight.

2. It reminds you that you haven't met your goals for the day. You've only exercised for a minute. You've only walked a mile.

Really, I should just take the watch off. But I didn't think of that until my fever went down. (I did this Sunday and it was glorious!)

I went to the doctor Saturday morning. My doctor was a former U.S. Rep known for saying unintelligent things. He was nice enough.

We did a strep test. Not strep. Then blood work.

And that went badly.

My head started to feel funny and I felt like I was going to puke. I was still holding tissue on my arm to clot the bleed and looked at the nurse and told her I didn't feel good.

They went into emergency mode. Told me to lay back, put a cool compress on my head, told me to do something with my arm.

I was trying so hard not to puke. And then my leg started to shake. I was so light headed through all of this. It was a horrible combination of my head, nerves and stomach. It was really scary.

That happened ONCE before in college when I was super sick. I get blood work done once or twice a year and like to think I'm tough. Not this time. I hadn't eaten that morning. They didn't ask. I was too sick to realize this before hand.

I laid there for a while. I sat up to get something out of my bag and got REALLY dizzy. That was a bad idea. I laid there for a while longer  and eventually, it passed. I ate a granola bar when my stomach calmed down.

The doctor gave my a prescription for some cough beads and I picked up some stronger decongestants than I'd been using. After the cough beads made my cough worse, I switched to a different medicine and am hoping for the best.

Hopefully, I can workout again soon. I've dropped about two pounds since I've been sick and have had zero appetite (and felt bad when I ate more than a few bites of food.)  I'm ready to be healthy again.

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