Saturday, October 25, 2014

Gymnastics Sneak Peek

I Looooove gymnastics. And this weekend, my college team had a Halloween sneak peak for kids to get their face painted and for the new freshmen to get used to performing in front of a crowd.

So my sister and her two girls and I went. 

1) There was a costume contest so the kids were all in costume. As luck would have it, my sister and I were the only adults who dressed up. 

2) The adults watched the gymnastics while the kids played on the gymnastics equipment. Madison was even trying forward rolls on the tumbling mat. So cute.

Here are the gymnasts practicing on bars. I've tried bars all of once before. Soo hard.

 Here are the gymnasts on beam. I can't even do a flip and they can backflip on 4-inch surface. Amazing.

And lastly, floor exercise. A lot of the girls did their tumbling pass on the track to the side and landed in the mats, but a few did floor work. And weren't our seats great? Right along the mat.

I'm looking forward to this gymnastics season. Gooooo Gym Dogs!

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