Cat + running shoes + foam rollers |
Running funk: Week 3
I'm now in week 3 of my running funk.
I came home from a failed speed workout Thursday sobbing about how I wanted to quit running. I was crying so hard my eyes were swollen the next day.
My legs are tired. I'm not getting faster. I never have ANY free time because all I ever do is run. And for nothing. It's not a plateau. I could be plenty faster. Just something is going on and I don't know what.
I've been sick. So I should cut myself some slack but my whole training plan is screwed up. I missed three days last week. I've gotten all my long runs in, and more than half of my speed workouts. Which when I write that doesn't sound that bad. I have stayed AROUND 25 miles a week. Self: it is not the end of the world.
Monday: OFF
Tuesday: Easy run
I was too sore to do hill repeats like my plan called for. My friend suggested a fartlek instead, which was a great idea. But after a BAD day at work and with my legs still tired I did an easy run. (After work, I felt like I was going to cry but never did.)
Also, the construction fences were down at the IM Fields where I usually run. It made it much easier to run.
Wednesday: Trail run
The only reason I didn't quit running last week was because I said I'd lead a trail run for the road runners.
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Great turnout at the first trail run of the season. Much more than I expected. |
There was an amazing turnout. More than 30 people showed up and ran. The mosquitoes were out. It was the first hot day after some cold weather. The course was hilly and hard and everyone was walking the last half. But I think people had a great time.
I struggled on this run. My legs were tired. And my friend ran ahead of me, so I couldn't chat :(
Thursday: Failed speed workout :(
My plan was 2 miles, an easy mile and another 2 fast miles. It's a good 10k workout.
Mile 1: 7:40.
WAY off pace. I couldn't make speed.
I jogged a lap and decided to try again and see if I could salvage the workout.
Mile 2: 7:28. But I had to work like mile trial work to get the 7:28. It's not usually that hard.
What is going on? My legs are tired. I've been sick. I had fried food at lunch (some, not too much, and it wasn't a stomach issue like I've had before.) I feel like it was my legs. Not in my head. I also had a really stressful day at work. I was sobbing at the end of the day after two people were super rude to me in a meeting and I got upset or told to be something stupid we already agreed I didn't have to do. I haven't cried that hard at work in awhile. I thought a fast run might help work things out, but my legs weren't cooperating.
Lunch. Tacos + guac + friends |
Bday present: New roller |
Friday: yoga
Did 30 minutes of yoga. My calves are spent.
I also went to the Lululemon outlet. I got a new short sleeve swiftly, a yoga bra, a tank top, a sweater and a long sleeve top. :)
Outlet mall shopping: Picked up a new pair for Nike Pegasus for $59 |
Saturday: Long run
I did 9 miles at the IM Fields. It was gorgeous out. It was in the 60s (so perfect running weather). The wisteria was blooming. I saw lots of cute dogs. It's hard to be in a running funk when it's so perfect to run. I had an OKAY run. My legs weren't tired. FOR THE FIRST TIME IN WEEKS. I got a tad bored of doing loops. I would have liked to do Cook's Trail, but didn't want to do that one by myself.
Sunday: Speed redo
My legs felt OK so I tried for some speed work so I could have one successful workout this week.
Four miles at race pace was on my training plan. I headed out to a nearby track (not the university track since I was trying to change it up). I should add this track measures long so I went by my Garmin. (Since everyone's watch measures it long). I did my warmup. The weather was nice.
Mile 1: 7:24
Mile 2: 7:44. Mile 1 felt great so I was overconfident. I didn't look at my watch and messed up my time. Interesting that this is the hard speed my body defaults to when I'm not watching my watch
Mile 3: 7:33. Trying to find the right speed without working harder than necessary
Mile 4: 7:24. I pushed it but had enough in the tank.
I ended up being 7 seconds over time. Which is pretty darn close. I've had one better 4 mile workout and that was indoors. This was a better workout. And I wasn't too spent afterwards. It is good to know that I have to watch my watch, because 7:44 is my default hard but not thinking pace. I have to force my legs to turn over more for 7:30s.
Runs this week: 5
Miles this week: 27
Workouts this week: yogax4
When I try to do yoga, this guy is everywhere. Usually under my downward dogs or biting my toes. |
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