• When you forget to start your watch
• Warmups/cooldowns you don't want lumped in with your speed work (so your average pace WON'T be smoking fast)
• When Garmin doesn't track right.
A lot of people put Missed Miles in Strava for these reasons.
But then Strava says you do like 10 runs a week, if you're separating out your warmups from your speed work. And I don't do 10 runs a week. I do 5. (If I run a mile warmup, a speed workout and then a mile cool down, in my mind that's one workout, but not three, but I don't necessarily want that average in Strava).
So this week I tried just logging my missed miles and dumping them into one day. So my runs per week average wouldn't be too off.
This was my week of missed miles
Tuesday: .35 miles (watch not tracking correctly at indoor track)
Wednesday: 1 mile warmup, didn't even turn on Garmin
Friday: .5 mile of warmup
Saturday, .25 warmup, .4 missed distance from not tracking right
Sunday, .5, warmup, plus another 2 laps of cool down, .25
For a total of 3.25 missed miles this week. Which is the difference between 22 and 25 miles a week. Small, but enough to annoy me.
I guess the other options are deleting the workouts and manually re-entering them into Strava. I like the pace charts in Strava.
The downside is that is doesn't track shoe mileage correctly, since I wore different shoes on these runs.
We'll see if I continue to do this.
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