Sunday, October 1, 2017

Workouts this week: Sept. 25-Oct. 1

Monday: still sick
Day 5 of battling a nasty virus. Sickest I've been this year. Didn't have any energy.

Tuesday: Attempt at running
After missing 3-4 runs last week, I thought I'd TRY to run before I lost any fitness. I was feeling a tad better. I had more energy than the last few days. I wasn't feeling great. My thought was just to see what happened. If I had to run-walk a mile, so be it

I went out to the IM Fields and ran 3.5 miles.

My legs were so happy to run. Stretching them out felt great

And the run didn't feel THAT bad. (I didn't feel like I'd lost any fitness)

A lot of the side trails were blocked off as part of a stream cleanup they're doing. That was kind of annoying, but gave me a chance to stop and take pictures of the trail closure signs.

When I stopped running, I started coughing like a smoker. But will call that run a success. (And I don't think I could have run a day earlier.)

Wednesday: Athens Road Runners Trail series

I'm awful about going to group runs so I try to make the trail runs, so darn it I was going to this one. (Though still sick and I sound congested when I talk).

The run was six miles of Cook's Trail: three out and three back.

I got to mile 3 and it was a total struggle fest. It was 91 degrees. I had dropped way back. On mile 4 and 5 I had to walk. I was one of maybe 6 people to do the full six miles. Except Sally, all the other women did 4 or 5. I was the last one to finish.

The is one of the hardest runs I’ve done in a while. I would have loved some water midway. My throat was dry. I was congested. I couldn't breathe. I was super sweaty. Just ugh.

But it cleared a lot of congestion out of my head. I felt better after.

Thursday: Yoga
Went to yoga to stretch today

Friday: speed work
This is the speed work I didn't do on Tuesday because I was sick. The workout was 5 800s, start at 10k pace, 5k pace, a tad faster, 5k pace, 10k pace.

I did this on the indoor track at Ramsey. I did a little more than a half mile for a warmup and then stretched.
3:30 (then decided to do 6 instead of 5, so threw another in at 5k pace)

I felt fine in this workout UNTIL my last 400. It’s 4 laps around a 200 meter track. On lap one I started to get a tickle in the back of my throat. It was the asthma attack tickle. But I had just taken my inhaler. So I struggled to breathe and tried to run another 600 meters. I really, really needed water. I finished my laps, coughed, got water, walked around, wheezed, wheezed some more, and then did my cool down. It was pretty scary. But now I know I can run 600 meters at 7:30 pace after an almost asthma attack.

(Also, Garmin is NO help during these workouts. It doesn’t measure the indoor distance correctly so it says may pace is between 7:40 to 8:48 a mile.)

Saturday: 4 mile run
I wasn’t up to my long run today so decided to give it an extra day. I’d run some easy miles so I could make mileage for the week. Matt ran with me.

Sunday: Long run + yoga
Did 8 miles of Cook’s Trail this morning. We ran at 10 a.m.. The weather is finally cooling off. The weather was perfect. The trail was beautiful.

Officially the trail is closed because of storm damage from a few weeks ago, but it’s runnable. We ran all the way to Sandy Creek Park (where I got some water and blew my nose.) I actually got a PR for my time coming back. I probably would have had an even better time if I hadn’t stop for a minute to switch on Pandora, adjust my headphones and wait for Matt. (He’s still sick, like me 5 days ago. Thought it was amazing he did 8 miles.)

I guess the trail is officially closed, because a tree fell into boardwalk, and thus the boardwalk isn’t 100% structurally sound. (Just be careful) And a few board are a tiny bit loose. But mostly fine. Matt said the trail was rerouted in a section (I didn’t notice.) The big tree that fell over the path had been cut up and was on either side of the trail.

Matt led on the way in and I led on the way back. It was a decent run. I could have run 10—if not for germs and congestion.

I went to yoga to stretch out that evening.

Week in review:
5 runs + 2 yoga classes
Miles this week: 25.5
Miles this month: 93 (missed 100 miles because I was sick. Boo)

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