Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The nerdy girl's guide to pilates

Today I tried pilates.

I felt like I knew what pilates was. There are elements of pilates in Pure Barre. I think I did a DVD or two of pilates back in college.

Pilates was not what I was expecting. I went straight for the tower class. I figured I'd done TRX before, I'd be good.

Hahahahahahaha. I'm not sure if I've even been so bad at something in my life.  (Well yes, I am bad at lots of things, but I should have set my expectations lower.)

The class was small. There are only three tower machines. So the class could max out at three. It was a white haired lady, me and the instructor. The instructor seemed really knowledgable and could tell what was tight on me (glutes, okay well everything).

For most of the class you're on a low table covered by a mat. One end is open and one end has the tower. You'll be sitting or lying or stretching on your side for most of the class. Part of the class used a bar on springs, or straps (like TRX) that attached to the tower and you put your feet in.

There were some hip openers (that would probably be familiar to yoga people), and deep breathing.

The class started off with a lot of stretching.

My favorite part of the class was using the bar and the straps. It worked all of your muscles harder. I even got to put my knees over the bar like a trapeze knee hang! (HIGHLIGHT)

That said, I'm pretty sure I did everything wrong.

Turn my shoulder in my socket? I don't even know what that means.

I got a lot of corrections. Which is understandable. The movements were completely new to me. Sure, I can push down on a lever and do leg or hip circles—but the pilates moves muscles in a way I wasn't used to. It was moving my abs deeper than I ever have before. And dropping my shoulders without popping my ribs. I just kept thinking "I don't move that way" when I got corrections.

I have a weird back. I have an eight degree curve in my spine. My tailbone sticks out more than it should. But if I go to the chiropractor every few months when I'm feeling out of whack then I'm fine. It doesn't bother me. Apparently, I should have told the instructor this, so she would know that my back really doesn't move that way. It's just never been an issue. It doesn't effect my ability to run or flip or stand on my hands. But when I'm lying on my back—it makes a difference.

I'm thinking about buying a month to the studio to try out the different classes. If so, I'd try it out again. And see if I'm any better the second time around. Apparently the learning curve is 3-4 classes.

The down side was that my heart rate never got up, there were only two or three exercises that used any sort of strength and I was probably doing them wrong. It could be day for a day when I'm all beat up

All in all, I I think the class hurt my pride.

Nerdy Girl's Guide to pilates

What to wear: I'd wear yoga clothes and socks. I wore socks and it was probably better to wear socks with the pilates straps. (I wore full length leggings since it was cold out.)

What to expect: Do more prep work than I did. Lots of stretching, movements using your core, especially hips, tailbone and some pelvic floor.

Best for: People looking for a low intensity workout. (Mother-in-law, you should try this.)

Advice: Maybe don't go straight to tower, if you're a newbie.

Would I go back? I certainly have a lot to learn. I'd like to try some of the other pilates classes before I decide on this discipline. I should keep it in mind for days when I'm bruised, limping or achey. I really should stretch more.

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