Sunday, October 18, 2015

Motivation tips

My sister asked for motivation tips to work out when you don't want to work out. So how do you stay motivated?

1. Make working out a habit—one where you feel bad if you don't work out. I used to go to the gym every day after work. It was my habit. It was the rhythm I got into. If I didn't hit the gym, it felt weird. Motivation wasn't needed here because it was a given. It's what I did. So make working out a habit. Even if it's something as simple as every Sunday you go to body shred.

2. Take a class. Taking a class is great when you don't have motivation. Just show up. Have someone tell you what to do and do it. It's practically brainless. And no, you won't look stupid. Everyone else is so worried about getting the motion right or surviving the workout that they won't notice if you use the opposite leg or don't squat as deep as the next person. Just go. Showing up is hard the battle.

3. Good music. Try the Pandora workout station or make your own workout mix (iTunes has plenty of suggestions.) It's easier to work out to upbeat music–with a good beat.

4. Try something new. There's always a new free class you can try. Get excited about trying a spin class or yoga class or the new workout place in town. This is a good way to get out of a rut.

5. Find something to get excited about. Today's the day to try the battle ropes. Or try the elliptical or rowing machine or that machine you don't even know what it does.

6. Set goals. Try to best your mile time or go up a level on the exercise bike. Try to do a perfect squat or lunge.

7. Bribe yourself. When you get your circuit done, you can pickup takeout on the way home, buy that new top, watch that trashy reality show—whatever your goal is. Sometimes we need an extra push to finish that last set.

8. Guilt yourself. Eat more pizza than you should have at lunch? Or a donut you regret? Work those calories off at the gym. I know if I eat bad during the day, I HAVE to work out. (I'm not promoting eating badly or feeling bad about the occasional indulgence, but guilt is a powerful motivator in some women.)

9. Wear cute gym clothes. There's something about working out in clothes you feel fabulous in. Maybe it can give you that extra boost? To work on in pants that lift your booty—as opposed to an old raggedy T-shirt that makes you feel frumpy. Gym clothes are the best. They're comfortable and colorful and my favorite thing to wear.

10. Partner in crime. Lots of studies have shown that working out with a partner is THE way to go. You hold each other accountable. So if I'm really feeling sluggish, I try to find someone to run with, so I won't slack off. Sometimes I'll run with my husband. And this gets him off the couch and working out too. It's a win-win.

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