Thursday, September 18, 2014

Battle wounds

I'm calling this the week of the injury. Nothing serious. Just lots of scrapes and bruises.

Monday, I bruised the back of my knee at trapeze class. It always bruises my knee. It's the candlestick pose. It just hurts.

Tuesday, I wore shorts to TRX and we climbed the rope. I got some nice rope burn on my knee (it since scabbed over) and a rashy burn on my lower leg that will be quicker to heal. The rope is scratchy and when you wrap your leg, it just tears the skin off. I tried just climbing down and unwrapped my feet completely and was about 10 feet up in the air and was really worried I would fall. I was tired and my arms could fail. I didn't fall, but I kept wrapping after that. A rope burn is better than falling from 10 feet.

Wednesday, I went to get an allergy shot and the nurse really stuck me with the needle. It hasn't hurt that bad in a while. It really hurt and lasted forever. My arm swelled up like a bee stung me and the muscle was sore because she jammed it so hard. And sure enough,  I got a black bruise the size of a fingertip from the shot. My right arm was stiff going into tumbling class and later.

I suppose I should be symmetrical because at tumbling that night I got a nasty blue bruise on the inside of my wrist. I don't know how. I think it happened halfway through class. Maybe from a handstand. Maybe I hit it on something? I don't know. It doesn't hurt, but it does worry me.

Thursday, I decided I'd had enough and didn't go to the gym.

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