30-minute bike ride
Tuesday: Speed work
This was my first speed session in forever.
The goal was the workout was 5k pace. I thought I could do some mile repeats at 7 minute miles. But hitting 7:30s was hard. Super hard. But I didn't quit. I finished the workout. My legs were really heavy in that last mile (7:41.)
It was slower than I wanted. But still getting my body used to running faster again. Seeing that I haven't done that workout in 2 months makes sense. I looked and my half marathon prep had a lot of tempos towards the end. So I'm just out of practice for shorter repeats.
Who knows what else was going on? I certainly didn't feel as great as hoped.
Wednesday: Trail run
I led a group trail run. I ran 3 miles. So I could prep the snacks before most people got back. 3 miles has been such a nice distance for my body lately. I finish the run before exhaustion.
I thought the trail run was going to be hot, but the humidity was so low, it was pleasant out.
Thursday: Off
I had a Lululemon event after work. They had a try-on event for local runners. They said they're really focusing on run gear this year and wanted local run group leaders to try out some run products. I think the point was to try new clothing and I have most of their run gear already.
I tried on some Time to Sweat Crops. They were too long.
I tried on some In the Movement Crops. They felt like aligns and wen't as compressive. And didn't have enough pockets.
I have the Pace Rival. But they were too long.
I tried on a cropped top that I liked. But they didn't have my size. (It was also out of stock online.)
I ended up getting a new Swiftly tank top, because those are nice to run in. They breathe better than the Cool Racerback.
I wish I would have gotten some more pieces, but I really just want more Fast & Free crops.
Friday: Morning miles
I ran 5 miles in the morning. It was fine. Perfect weather really. It was cool. My favorite weather to run in. Low 60s.
(I spent the rest of the day helping with my brother's wedding. I got home around midnight.)
Saturday: Easy 3
Today was the lightest I've felt in awhile. My brain just felt free of the usual anxiety and stress. It's been awhile since I've felt this way. I kept the miles easy since I'll try running long tomorrow. (And my body seems to like the shorter runs lately. The 30 mile weeks are hard, and just leave me feeling drained.)
Why did I feel so much freer? I wasn't in the office yesterday, which helped. Yesterday was exhausting. It was non-stop and I didn't get home until midnight. I had to be up early to help with Twilight at 7 a.m. So I should be exhausted. But I ALWAYS feel better about volunteering. I love being at races. Maybe it was the combination of working hard, feeling appreciated and feeling like I made a difference.
I stopped the run at 3 miles. Lately, that's been a nice distance that doesn't leave me too tired.
Sunday: Long run
I was going to do Renee's long run with her. I thought we were doing 10, but she was in a hurry, so we did 8 at a faster pace than I anticipated: 8:44 pace, which is in my wheelhouse, but not as easy as I'd planned. (Our first mile was 9 minutes and then the rest were around 8:30.) We finished and I considered doing another 2 on my own. I got my second wind in that last mile. But Renee drove off and I stopped. I didn't want to be tired the rest of the day.
Later that day, I was feeling great. I did some yoga. I went on a 3 mile bike ride. And then because I had 24 miles for the week, did one more mile to make it 25 miles.
Miles this week: 25 (which is back to normal. I'm feeling much better after going easy last week.)
Totals: 5 runs, 2 bike rides, 1 yoga session