Sunday, January 6, 2019

Workouts this week: Dec. 31-Jan. 6

Worst week of my life. My dog died Monday. Suddenly. Unexpectedly. It was the worst day of my life. I was hit so hard my grief. I couldn't eat. I couldn't breathe. I cried all week. And I've lived such a blessed, sheltered life, I did NOT understand grief until this happened. I didn't get it. This hit me like a semi. It flattened me. Saturday was the first day I didn't cry ALL day, just maybe 6 times. My eyes were swollen. Just a crappy week.

So it was a weird running week. Please give all of your dogs an extra kiss and an extra long walk.

Monday: Worst day of my life. Mojo died. He was sick so we took him in. I didn't expect him to die, but he did.

Tuesday: Ran 3 miles of trails. To see if it would help. Didn't feel like running. I stopped to cry a few times.

Wednesday: Didn't feel like running.

Thursday: Ran 3 miles to see if it would help. Still hurting.

Friday: Had planned to run on the indoor track since it's been raining all week. But the sun came out around 4 p.m. so I decided to run trails. In my road shoes. The trails were the wettest they've ever been. there was a giant tree down in the middle of the trail. I climbed over the tree and then the trail was a lake. I turned around. And worried I ruined a pair of shoes. They were so soggy. I squished through 3 miles. It's sad to come home to a house with no happy dog to greet me.

Saturday: #killedit
My legs felt great yesterday, after so much rest. I decided to do a week's worth of speed, and do a half marathon speed workout—7 miles at race pace.

I did a mile warmup. And then 7 miles at 8 minute miles. Matt did the workout with me. (And my Garmin has my miles as slightly faster, but was also beeping before I actually hit a mile, but I think I was actually dead on, because I did a reset at one point.)
Mile 1: 8:00. Started too fast and the tried to find pace. I check my watch every 100 meters to keep us on pace.
Mile 2: 8:00. We have 14 mph winds on the back side of the track. Pushing against us.
Mile 3: 8:00. I'm already struggling. This is hard. The wind blows my hat OFF of my head. I double back to get it.
Mile 4: 8:00. At the end of this mile my hip and IT band on my left knee start to hurt. I ignore it.
Mile 5: 8:00 I've eaten maybe 3 cliff blocks at this point. I'm ignoring the knee pain. I'm wondering if I can finish.
Mile 6: 8:00. I've dialed in the pace. Maybe I have my second wind. Matt stops after mile 6.
Mile 7: 7:36: I'm not looking at my watch. I'm just trying to finish. I feel like I can do this workout. (second wind for sure.) I ask Matt to give me water at 6.5. We do a moving hand off. I get maybe 3 sips. It helps. This mile makes me think I can take on the half. I finish and flex for Matt. I did it!
Total: 55:36

It was a hard workout. But super proud of how I did. Could I do this for 13? it would be HARD but today went well.
(I know I should do the rest of my tempos on the road. Today this is what I needed.)

And I did a cool down mile. I made Matt run in front of me. I was dying to turn my legs over. Struggle.

My quads were pretty sore and my IT bands. Mostly when I rolled them out.

And when I got home I realize I had looked at the wrong half marathon plan. I have 2 plans. This is from the one with the 15-miler. I was going to do the other plan. Still a solid base for my next half.

Sunday: Had planned to run 6.5 miles to make 25 miles for the week. It was a gorgeous day out. My hip flexor was bothering me. I stopped to stretch it maybe 4 times. And at 4.77, I just said screw it and quit. I walked back to my car. And I forget how nice walking is. I just thought running on a sore hip would aggravate the problem. And not worth it to reach a silly goal. I'm glad I got time outside. I have a massage scheduled for tomorrow. (I texted her when I was walking back to my car. Thank you best sports massage therapist ever!)

Did 30 minutes of yoga

Miles this week: 23