Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Race recap: Georgia Peach Jam

I signed up to do a half marathon on Memorial Day. The medal was cool (it spins!). I liked the idea of doing a long run on my day off. The course was flat. I was IN.

So I woke up at 4:30 a.m. and left my house at 5:10 a.m. to go to a race 90 minutes away.

I didn't plan on RACING the half marathon. I haven't been training for it. My 10k training plan went up to 12 miles, so I thought I'd do it as a long run (having run 12 miles twice within the last month) and see what happened. The trail half in February almost killed me and an informal half the first week of April went well: 1:56 not counting a few breaks for friends).

And then the rain started. It's been raining for a solid week. I was convinced the race was going to be a monsoon with standing water and slippery wooden bridges. I was kind of hoping it rained out. It didn't. I went anyway.

We got there plenty early: 6:30 a.m. (There was no traffic that early in the morning.) I picked up my bib and was pretty thrilled that there were REAL RESTROOMS at the course. At least three sets of real restrooms (not port-a-potties) near the start. I went to the bathroom. And then I just sat in the car for awhile so I wouldn't get cold or wet. (The women in the cars on both sides of ours were also waiting in their cars.) Around 7 a.m. I got out of the car to warm up and stretch (in my rain jacket).

Yep, still drizzling. Matt looked at the radar and predicted the race would be mostly dry. (Haha)

Finally, I went to the starting line, on a track, and lined up for the 7:30 a.m. start. After overheating the last two races, I ran in my sports bra this morning. It was raining and I did not want to run in a wet tank top. I looked around and was surprised there weren't more shirtless guys or ladies in sports bras. Eventually I did spot a handful of ladies in sports bras. (And this tactic worked. I didn't overheat or have to worry about a wet tank).

Going in to the race my goal was just to run under 2 hours, for a Strava badge. At 9-minute miles this was doable. If I was having a good day, I could run the first half in 9 minute miles and then cut down like I have before.

But I ended up going out faster than planned, but it felt like an easy enough speed so I stuck with it.

At mile 9 I slowed down to 9:05 a mile. Which was pretty close to my first goal so I wasn't worried about it. I was also running with a group of people and just matching their pace. They slowed down. I passed them and picked mile 10 back to 8:39. And knew I'd have my Strava best 10-mile time.

Mile 11 was back at 9:06. But I knew I could practically walk the last two miles and make my goal of under 2 hours at this point.

Mile 12 I ran in 9:17. I was getting tired. Matt says, "It's funny how you have to speed up at the end of the race to keep the same pace." This is also maybe the first point in the race I was by myself. I'd run most of the race with people everywhere, but it really thinned out here and I ran the last two miles almost solo.

Mile 13 the wheels fell off. It was 12.5 miles and I had .7 to go (because the course and my watch weren't matching up). I saw Matt and had a very dramatic breakdown. (Looking back, it was very much a tired toddler reaction.)

He offered me water.

There were four water stops on the course. I used all of them. I didn't need water. I wanted him to be at the finish line.  

And my legs just decided to quit at this point. I asked for help. "I need help," I said in practically a cry.

He kind of slow jogged with me a little, maybe six feet to my left where I couldn't quite see him.  "You can do it," he said very calmly. This is the first time I walked. And I tried to run some. But he was super far away and not very enthusiastic. And I said I needed help again (super dramatic, I totally melting with a tired toddler who needs a nap). And then he kind of just gave up.

I wanted to run right behind me and push me on. I wanted him to tell me to trust the training or that I could do it. To be right on my shoulder in the most annoying way possible and to be super peppy about that I could do it. But all of this was in my head.

I ended up walking once more but picked it up for a 9:29 mile. (I knew I could still make my goal, so I wonder if I gave myself permission to slow down on some level.)

The race finished at the track and I knew I couldn't walk on the track. So I finished. My watch said 13 miles and my time was 1:55:04.

And then I walked .11 miles so Strava would give me my half marathon badge.

I drank some water. I took my shoes off (I really wanted my shoes off). My waterproof shoes were great, but my feet were steamy and hot from the miles. Matt went and got my backpack so I could change out of super wet clothes.

I went to the bathroom and changed slowly. My sports bra was dripping water. I had wrung my shorts out some of the course. It had drizzled the entire time. I wish I would have brought a wet-dry bag. (Note: none of the bridges were slippery, but the course was a puddle fest.)

And then I went to look at results. I got third in my age group. Yay. So we stuck around for medals. And I got to stand on the podium. I met another Road Runner who was at the event. (She ran WAY faster than me.)

After that I tried to cool down. But my legs didn't want to run. I ran/walked and then stretched.

And then it was time to go home. We stopped by Moe's for some food.

Thoughts on the race
• The medals are cool. I wasn't expecting TWO medals
• I was pretty pleased with a 1:55
• I think the key to having a good race is low expectations :)
• Why do I always DIE on the last mile? This happened on my last half too? Maybe it's because I only train UP TO 12.
• Mental toughness: still need to work on that. I was pretty positive for the first 10 miles. I told myself that I run well in the rain, that I was going to have a good 10-mile time.
• Definitely went better than my first half marathon. I bonked in the same place. But I was 10 minutes faster. I didn't get super dehydrated and sick at 3 p.m. My splits were more even. It was an easier experience.
• Would I do it again? Part of me wants to shave some of those slower times off (Maybe 2-3 minutes). I might do another half again but I don't plan on training for one this summer. I'm looking to get my mile and 5k time down.
All in all: a great race, well organized, nice course. (Matt admitted he should have done the 5k, which I tried to get him to do.) This is definitely a race to consider. My only complaints are the weather (but it was very run-able, not too hot), and my brain wanting to quit.

• I got my May half marathon badge
• I got my project 1:59 badge
• Strava DID NOT give me a half marathon PR for some weird reason
• I did get records for my best 15k, best 10 miles and best 20k.