Tuesday, June 27, 2017

#mymile Breaking 7 minute mile part 2

One of my mini goals was to break 7 minutes in running a mile. I did it last week on an indoor track. I'm not sure if that really counts so I headed over to the  outdoor track to have it officially recorded in Strava.

I went before work one day, when the weather was in the 60s.

Woke up and 5:30 a.m. and was out the door around 6:15 (after doing the pet chores).

Perks of getting up early: beautiful sky and track to myself.

I walked a lap, ran a lap and stretched. (I feel better on fresher legs). I did the run solo. I was the only person on the track.

The goal was 6:55. But the track I ran at is a little long, so I didn't even know what my splits should be. 51-53 seconds per 200, I think.

I put some music on and ran. I checked my watch at 100 meters. 7:05 pace. Fine. Then for the most  of the rest I ran about 6:40 pace. I honestly tried to NOT check my watch that much. I sped up for the end (6:00 pace towards my Garmin). It felt like under 7 but I hadn't been checking my watch.

6:41:87. Strava said 6:39. The track is a little long. It was 6:49 to finish the last lap.

Thanks Garmin!

SUPER HAPPY WITH THAT. I'd felt like I could break 7 minutes if I was just running one minute. And today was the day.

I walked a lap and headed home to shower and go to work. I wasn't too tired. Felt great.

(Now I want to see how much I can get my mile time down! Especially if I run with a group. That competition might help) 

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Workouts this week: June 19-25

Getting a ride home from a run. This was the weather all week.

The weather was bad all week, so the runs are a little unstructured. I was lucky to get miles in. I did get some speed work in, so hopefully I'm not too far off plan.

Monday: Off
I took Friday off and still made mileage, but I took Monday off too. I was tired, it was rainy. I couldn't lift weights because my arms were still sore from climbing. So I stayed home and did nothing. I wish I had accomplished more (but rest days are important).

Tuesday: Speed work inside
It was pouring today, so we did speed work at the track (separate post).

Wednesday: trail run
Went to my default trails for a run today.

Thursday: rainy run
Matt did a repeat of his #mymile today. I ran to the track to run with him. Only it was super rainy. I ran to the track, ran a mile and got a ride home.

Saw this giant chicken on my run. ?

Friday: weights + speed
I really didn't want to go to BodyPump today. But I figure weights are good for me. So I went. And Petey was our sub. (I think she is so hilarious! She likes to say DO IT AGAIN in her best jersey accent. Her commands almost sound like a drill sergeant but her tone is positive). And because she hasn't taught since 2016, she only do a 45 minute class. Which was FINE with me!! The class was good. Yay Petey. (She told me to try sweet potatoes with peanut butter. I did. Not the tastiest, but edible and probably great post workout.)

Then I did speed work. This was a bad idea. I had wanted to run 2 miles close to race pace, or as fast as I could. (I did 14:22 a few weeks ago). Today I had to WORK to get 2 miles in 14:56. 7:37 and 7:18. I was defaulting to 60 second laps, which made me work at the end.

And I'm not sure if was the abbreviated BodyPump or running after, but my quads weren't sore like they usually are after BodyPump.

Vent: There's a girl that comes to BodyPump. (I honestly wonder if she's one of those exercise addicted people that work out for hours like it's an eating disorder). She's tiny. She always 1) sets up in the back by the mirror and faces the window (not the instructor), 2) does 3x the weight the instructor says, and 3) does her own workout. If we're doing abs, she's got weight on her feet and is doing abs plus flutter kicks. She's always adding something to make it harder, or doing something completely different. It's distracting. At today's BodyPump, she came in five minutes late. And then asked why the class was only 45 minutes (the instructor said at the beginning of the class, she missed it). Then she complained to the instructor because she wanted a 60 minute class. !!

The weight room is downstairs. She should just do her own weight workout in the weight room because clearly she's doing her own thing. Don't be this girl. Do the workout (or try to), don't be distracting and don't complain (when you were late!) 

Saturday: Rainy run
The plan was to get up and run hills. It wasn't supposed to rain until 9 a.m. or so. Matt was going to run with the Athens Road Runners. His alarm went off at 5 something. Only he didn't get up. I got up around 6:30 a.m. and started getting ready to go. Only Matt wanted to come. We got to the IM Fields and it started pouring. It wasn't 8 a.m. so the forecast was off. We waited about 20 minutes in the car so it was only lightly raining and then went for a run. I tried to avoid the muddy parts of the trail. Most of the trail is gravel so not too bad. I had to go extra slow on the bridges to keep from falling.

I did 4 hill repeats. At as good of a pace as I could muster. Not 5k pace. It was a muddy trail. Then I did 1/2 of a repeat to make mileage. Two cool down miles and it was a very SLOW run. (A lesson in running slow).

Saw this turtle on my run. 

Sunday: Easy run + yoga
I skipped my long run this week. I wasn't feeling up to it. After last week's 9 miler my knee was feeling funny (not bad yet, but worrisome enough for me to cut back this week.) So I ran 5.5 miles on the road. I ran on streets near my house and turned back at 2.75. I was pretty close to mileage for the week, and didn't have more than 6 in me. This was an easy run. The first mile breezed by. Mile 3 wore we down a little and then it was easy and I even survived the stupid hill near my house that I hate.

I went to yoga that evening. Oddly, there was no one to check us to in to the class. And no music, since they never unlocked the cabinet. I didn't miss the music though. It was nice. The class was focused on hips. I learned a cool bind variation of pigeon pose. This was the class I needed.

And Garmin has this 100,000 step challenge. I ended up walking a mile around the indoor track to make 100,000 steps for the week.

Days running: 6 (no long run, all speed or middle distance)
Miles run: 27.55 (I dialed back from 30 miles on purpose).
Miles walked: 2

Things not seen on a run: crazy naked man that the police apprehended during my Wednesday run. saw the cop cars AND his clothes but thankfully not him.
I've had some interesting runs lately: wasps, raccoons, turtles, commercial shoots.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Breaking a 7 minute mile

I made a small goal for myself to break seven minutes for a mile.

I've run pretty close to 7 minutes on occasion (heck during a 10k I ran a 7:03). But never under it. I was always holding something back for more laps at track workouts etc.

But today was the day and I am so proud. (I don't care if I am bragging. I worked hard. This is exciting).

Today was a track workout: a ladder—1600, 1200, 800, 400

It was pouring rain—all day. It didn't look like it was letting up so we went to the indoor track to do the workout. The plan was to the workout WITH Matt. We're about the same speed.

Gym hair, (mostly) don't care
My plan was to run 7:10-7:20 for the first mile (5k pace). But Matt took off. I was at least 20 seconds behind him. I left him go and focused on running even splits, and as easy as I could (I still had the whole workout to do). I looked at my watch to see I was running 52-54 second laps on the 1/8th of a mile track. (55 seconds was the goal). I didn't look at the total time until the end 6:55:7.

I thought I was running at 7:10. but then again Matt was so far ahead of me, he must have run a 6:35 or so.

And I still had enough left in the tank to do the ladder progressively faster. (Thought since it was an indoor track my Garmin wasn't tracking the distance correctly )

I broke 6 minutes during my second year of running track. So it was something I was pretty sure I was capable of doing. But 34-year-old Sara and 17-year-old Sara aren't the same. (15 pounds)

Garmin splits for the workouts. First four splits are .25 miles, 2 laps on an 1/8th of a mile track. So fairly even splits (split 3 is a little slow).

1600: 6:55.7
1200: 5:06.5
800: 3:22
400: 1:26.5

And then a 9 minute cool down.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Cook's trail: Racoon edition

I’m three for three with Sunday morning trail run adventures:
1) wasps
2) getting lost
3) today

The run started off normal enough. Matt and I went to Cook’s trail (current favorite trail because it’s long, flat and pretty. And I’d rather do my long runs on trails, than on the road. Feel like it’s better for my knees.) We get there good and early, and start to run at 7:44 a.m.

It’s not too muddy (it is a little muddy). Matt sees a deer. I don’t see it. We run to the halfway point. 4 miles. I get water. Matt runs while I get water.

We start back. My goal is 10 minute miles (this is a slow run for mileage.) We’re right on pace.

We get back to the car. I run some extra to get to eight miles. Matt stops. He’s done. My goal is nine today, so I head back for another mile. I give Matt the car keys so he can get water and snacks.

I’ve got my headphones in. I got bored around mile 6 or so. And I’m not even a 1/10th of the mile in when I hear noise. It’s digging and grunting, maybe some hissing. I look to the right and see a large raccoon.

AND this week, this story about a rabid raccoon biting a trail runner went viral. Several different people shared it on Facebook.

Not the raccoon I saw. They're not actually CUTE in person. 

So I see a large raccoon, a few feet from me and FREAK OUT.

1. I scream loudly. (I’m sure Matt can hear me.)
2. I sprint away. Pace: 6:20 mile. (which is not bad for having already run 8 miles)

I get at least a quarter mile before I decide it’s not following me (I decide I can probably out run a raccoon). I run .75 mile before I turn around to come back. I grab a stick and call Matt. (I’m hoping he hears his phone since he didn’t run with it.) He doesn’t answer.

I try to text him. Only my phone is covered in sweat. My hands are covered in sweat and there’s nothing to wipe my hands on because my clothes are covered in sweat.

So I try to call him again, only I hit facetime with my sweaty fingers. And the phone doesn’t want to facetime him, so an error message pops up. So it won’t call him.

At this point, I’m considering walking the three miles to Sandy Creek Park and have him pick me up there. I’m not walking past that murderous raccoon again. Is there another trail that goes elsewhere and I can meet him?

I tell Siri to call Matt and she actually calls the right Matt (yay!). I over emote how scared I am of this clearly rabid raccoon. He tells me he’ll walk back to where I am. I start walking, knowing that I’m quite a distance from the raccoon.

And I don’t want the raccoon to attack Matt. We don’t have time for rabies shots.

Matt calls me. Only to hang up. I try to call him back. Only to see him in the distance. He’s also carrying a stick. I think he’s amused that I’m carrying a big stick.

I was worried the raccoon got him. But he didn’t even see the raccoon.

If it ran off when I screamed, that’s a good sign (it’s not rabid.)

So I tentatively walk back, keeping my eye out for where I saw it. I don’t see another trace of it.

Matt actually calls for the raccoon—he wants to see it. I don’t! He keeps trying to tell me that raccoons are out in the daylight, and grunt and dig—this is normal.

But I barely got a glance at the raccoon (I wasn’t wearing my glasses and I glanced so quickly). It was probably two raccoons getting it on. Because of how big it was (two) and all the grunting?

So I survived. No one got rabies. I learned that I can sprint after an 8 mile run. And that raccoons scare the bejeezus out of me. It was yet another Sunday trail run adventure.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Workouts this week: June 12-18

June 12: Off
Today was my off day. It was also a travel day. I walked a mile on the beach this morning.

Then, I drove 7 hours and 15 minutes home. My iPhone said 6 hours and 22 minutes but then traffic happened. Ugh. I had to walk some after the drive to stretch my legs out.

I really wanted to do a mile run some Road Runners were having, but my legs were so sore I'm sure I would have pulled something.

Tuesday: June 13: Double session

I was off work today. I didn't get up in time for 6:30 a.m. yoga. I did go to noon TRX yoga, which I haven't done in forever. I just could never make it fit into my schedule. The classes were too late in the evening.

But I love yoga and love TRX. The yoga is super fast paced. And I forgot how HARD the TRX is. I couldn't do all the reps. Ugh. Out of shape.

Speed work in the heat
Tuesdays are for speed work, so we met at a high school track (while the university track is being resurfaced). I almost went to run indoors, but Matt said he needed to train in the heat.  It was 91 degrees outside. Ugh. Then I searched the benefits of training in the heat. Turns out there are some benefits.

The plan was to run 4 800s. Only, the high school had some kind of track practice, so we did the 800s in the outside lane, so it was longer than an 800. We ended up doing .25 miles more than 2 miles with the extra length. We did maybe a three minute break between them. This was a mix of walking, jogging and getting water.

1) 3:56 (7:09 pace)
2) 3:51 (7:07 pace)
3) 3:49 (7:01 pace)
4) 3:28 (621 pace) Matt and i raced to the end at this one. I thought I was going to win, but he surged ahead in the last 30 or so meters and I gave up a little.

Then we ran a very slow mile cool down. I drank a ton of water. But I survived. Matt was pretty proud of himself for out sprinting me at the end.

Wednesday: June 14, hills + weights
Usually do hills on Thursday, BUT I was off work today and the weather looked bad for Thursday so I did hills.

2 easy miles
6 hill repeats (.2 miles up and back down)
2 easy miles

Did my first weights class since April or May. Knew I was going to die. My quads hurt bad for days afterwards. But I did it. It was awful, so that means it's good for me, right?

Patriotic shirt for Flag Day

June 15: Treadmill
It stormed from 4:45 p.m. on. Bursts of torrential thunder storms. Matt and I had texted plans to run 5 miles. I came home. And told him I needed a quick nap (20 minutes) and then would be ready to go. I napped, got in my running clothes and ready in time to find him eating a croissant—clearly not going to run any time soon. So I walked the dog. He told me to wait until 8 to run. (Though I was already starving). At 7:30 the weather forecast looked even worse so I ANGRILY headed to the gym for a treadmill workout.

We had plans. He bailed. This is why we never run together.

I got 5.25 + warmup in on the treadmill. My Garmin said 5 miles. The speeds on my garmin and the treadmill were different too. Sigh. I feel like running on the treadmill is so much harder. I struggle for 9:30 miles on a treadmill. I'm fine with 8:30 easy miles on the road. On the treadmill, my stride is shorter, my arms have nowhere to go. I hate treadmill running, but I never do it. I don't think I've run on the treadmill for a year and a half—since the indoor track was closed.

June 16: off
Today was supposed to be more speed work at the indoor track. I don't know if I slept poorly the night before but I was bone tired today. Exhausted. I decided I needed the day off. I won't make mileage for the week, but I need rest. I'm listening to my body.

Unfortunately, my body is also rebelling. I've lost too much weight and I can't stop eating. Today I was craving carbs. I ate an entire Your Pie pizza for lunch (been craving it for two weeks).

June 17: Group run

I wanted to run Cook's Trail today, but had no one to run it with and my quads were still sore from bodypump the other day, so I went to the group run instead. I ran 6 miles. I met a few people. (An extrovert adopted me. Thanks Christina! I told her I was really good at being awkward).

And I really had no plans for the afternoon. A neighbor invited us to go rock climbing, so we went. It was fun. My forearms are so sore.

June 18: Things that make me run fast
Today I learned that even after running 8 miles I can still sprint. And apparently, I'm afraid of raccoons. (See separate post) 9 mile run with some sprints at the end.

Then I went to yoga at 6:30 p.m. After taking longer yoga classes, the 60 minute yoga class seemed to short. And I was reminded why I like Ramsey Yoga class. I can go early and warmup. I like the padded floor. I like the mirrors to see form. And there's room to spread out. (I also don't like the backbends in the sun salutation—none of those in Ramsey.)

Runs this week: 5
Miles run: 30.5 (missed a day and still made mileage. Hooray!)
+ yoga class, TRX yoga class, weights class

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Workouts this week: June 5-11

June 5: OFF
I had big plans to lift weights in BodyPump today, but was exhausted so Monday was my day off. I needed a nap.

Tuesday: Speed Work

The track is closed so speedwork was on the sidewalk outside of the track. I don't know how crazy I looked, but at least I looked crazy with a group. We did a loop. 10 400s. It was humid and gross. And I was working. I ran about 1:38 every 400. 1:27 for my last one. And then 1.5 mile cool down. I was so pooped, I can barely do the cool down (but really needed to.)

Future workout will be at another track.

Wednesday: Group run

Today was Global Running Day, so we joined the Athens Road Runners for their group run and potluck. (I love potlucks! I brought grilled chicken nuggets from Chick Fil-A). They had a 3 mile route and it was so HILLY. OMG. Hills. I didn't like the route. I died. I should have run slower.  (Not to self: Do not run this route next year).

Tino made a super fun video of the runs. And the potluck was fun. I should have socialized more. !!

Thursday: Hills
Today was day one of my week off work, so I spent the morning running hills. Sounds about right. I ran two easy miles (9-10 minute miles), then 5 hill repeats (at a pretty glacial pace, but I picked the last one up), and then two cool down miles.
(And I think Thursday should be my designated hills day.)

Then I drove 7 hours to the beach. I do not recommend sitting for 7 miles after running 6 miles of hills. My butt cramped so badly. And pushing my foot down on the gas for that long just aggravating a ton of muscles. I tried using cruise control as much as I could and stretching the leg and foot as much as I could. I finally got in, and walked a mile on the beach, which helped some.

Friday: Beach run 
I was at the beach so I headed to the beach for a run. I ran along Highway 98 on the Gulf of Mexico. The sidewalk goes on forever. I ran for two miles and headed back a total of four miles. I'm on central time, but my brain is still on East Coast time, so I was up early. I did my run 7:30 a.m. my time, 6:30 a.m. their time. It was supposed to be a sunny day. No chance of rain. At the halfway point it looked like rain (weird). And as soon as I finished my run, it started pouring.

I had planned to go to beach yoga, but it poured so I didn't.

I did do some my cool down on the beach. So fun to put my toes in the ocean first thing in the morning.


I was going to do my long run today, but couldn’t find a long route. So I ran around this golf course I found. My sister took me there for breakfast for breakfast. The area has hotels, condos and shopping and great sidewalks shaded by palm trees. It looked like a pretty run for me, so I went with her there (she’d never run there before). Pretty run, lots of great views. I ran too fast, but I barely looked at my pace. I just ran.

Sunday: Long run

I had written off my long run as not happening this week. Too much road running has made my right leg twinge with very beginning stages of tendonitis (above my ankle, IT band, some shin pain.) Not bad yet. It doesn’t hurt to run, but worrisome enough to make me keep an eye on it.

I was looking for a trail to run (because too much pavement). I couldn’t find anything online. Google searches. Strava segment searches. NOTHING.

Then around 10 p.m. my (Eagle scout) brother-in-law mentioned a trail, he thought it would be four miles to the lake. So perfect for an eight mile run. He’s hiked out there before and recommends it.

I search this trail. It’s not online anywhere. He gives me directions, and shows me a picture of where to park (turn on highway 83, look for a sign and park on the side of the road.) But it’s the right length.

So I go out there. And my plan is if I can’t find it or it looks sketchy, to figure something else out. Get 4 in on the road somewhere near a beach.

But I find. Exactly where’s it’s supposed to be. I stretch and see a tiny old lady walking her dog, and take that as a good sign.

I run. The trail is one person wide, with plants that skim your shins. It’s narrow. It’s also very well marked. There are orange signs every few seconds on the trail. I stop to take pictures of a few parts.

And some parts are sandy. I stop twice to adjust my shoes. My toes were rubbing against the end of the shoe, so I changed the laces for a heel lock and that helped. (I didn’t bring trail shoes, so I was wearing road shoes).

I make it to the halfway point and text my sister (so she knows I’m okay.)

At mile 5 it starts raining. At first it’s a sprinkle and then it starts pouring. I don’t mind running in the rain, but I don’t want to run in wet shoes. That leads to blisters.

But there’s no stopping. There’s no shelter, so I have to get back to my car.

At mile 7 or so, it stops raining. I stop to wring out my socks. (Features, which held up really well. No blisters! But I still felt like I was sloshing).

I’m running in my sports bra at this point (tank is soaked so I tucked it in my shorts.)

I see another runner (a first!) and I’m almost back to my car.

I get to mile 8 with half a mile left to go and I realize I don’t see any more of those orange signs every few feet. Oops. I run back in the direction I came until I get to 8.5.

At this point, I should be at my car. I’m not. I pull out Strava and I’m a good ways away from the highway my car is parked on. I start running, and I’m going further away from the highway.

At this point it starts thundering loudly. I sprint. And I’m still nowhere near my car.

I see orange signs, blue signs, a trail that I know leads out to the road about a mile from my car. I follow it for a bit, but it’s too muddy.

It’s been 20 minutes and I still haven’t found my car. I tell Siri I’m lost. I ask her where I am (Santa Rosa). I eventually decide to give it 20 more minutes before I call the park service.
I use strava like a GPS and find my way back to my car.

1.5 miles later (remember I was .5 mile off course!) I find my car. The trail was really winding, so that’s why the GPS didn’t look like I was going towards the highway.

I’m not sure I’ve ever been so happy to see my car. I take off my sandy, wet shoes, strip off the tank, and get back on the road happy my adventure was over.

The trail was really nice. I’m not sure HOW I got so turned around. I’m glad I didn’t panic. And I’m thankful for iPhones and technology to help me find my phone (though not Siri. She was no help.)

Runs: 6
Miles: 30.8
New routes: 3 in Florida

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Why I came back to running

After more than a decade off, why did I come back to running?

My husband started running about a decade ago. And after that once or twice a year, I'd try to take up running again. I'd run/walk two miles. I'd do it again and then I just wouldn't follow up.

For my 20s, I wasn't active. I was in college. I was slaving away at my first job. I was settling into my career. I was learning to cook. I was read and writing. I was figuring out what to do with my free time. And it never occurred to me that I should be a gym rat.

Until I turned 30 and the fitness bug hit. My weight was at an all-time high. I was about to go up another size in clothes. And my sister weighed less than me. Things had to change.

Call it vanity or competitiveness (to be the thin sister), I started walking to get some exercise. I started using our stationary bike and doing crunches. My friend invited me to the gym, and that was it, I was hooked.

I went to the gym every other day. Then four days a week. Then five days a week.

And then I tore a ligament in my ankle. I did MONTHS of physical therapy and my calves were super uneven from one leg atrophying while the other got stronger (exercising with one leg). The doctor suggested I run. I still didn't run.

We would run some in my fitness classes: small laps around the gym. And secretly I loved it. But I wore an I HATE RUNNING sweatshirt to be ironic.

That gym stopped doing fitness classes and I took up barre. It was trendy and challenging.

But I didn't feel like I wasn't getting the cardio I needed, and I could never get in the wait-listed Saturday classes, so I started running on Saturdays.

And I think I ran two miles without walking the first time I ran (thanks cardio from 2 years of going to the gym). And every Saturday, I'd run one more lap. So I was running once a week, up to three miles.

That fall, I started running more (to get in exercise while NOT paying for a gym membership.) I still wasn't REALLY running.

I did my first race last fall. It was a trail race. I felt like I'd been running long enough to try a race. It was a disaster. I hadn't run the miles. I hadn't trained as well as I should have, but didn't really know this. I had to walk in the race. I finished about five minutes slower than I thought I would. But somehow I won my age group and got maybe fifth in women.

But I kept running. And decided to do a 10k in the spring. I'd never done a race that distance before so I found a training plan online and followed that to some extent.

I did the race. I ran much faster than I expected to run. 

I came in third overall and second in women. It was a small race, but that was so amazing. I wondered if I could do even better.

That's when I really started running. I started going to Tuesday track workouts.

I did another 10k the week later and won the women's division. Second place overall.

And that was it. I made a plan to gradually increase my mileage to something more competitive than 15 miles a week. Gradually I started going to group runs and trying to meet other runners. I started buying lots of running shoes, reading running blogs and planning my life around runs and running friends.

So I guess I'm a runner now. And I run because
• I can.
It's a great feeling to be able to run. To be healthy and strong.
And sometimes I drive the route I ran and am amazed that my body can do that.
• I can't stop.
I really don't want to have to build up my endurance after taking time off, so it's easier to keep running.
• I'm okay at it.
I was lucky in that I ran in high school. My body knows what to do. So I have that advantage over other runners.
And it's kind of awesome to be good at something. I'll keep working at it and see if I can get better than okay.
• It's good exercise.
I'm thinner and stronger
• It keeps away the crazy/ endorphins.
I love feeling strong on a run. And it helps keep me happy to have running as an outlet. (I'm much less sane on days I don't run or workout.)

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Why I quit running

I've been thinking a lot lately about why I quit running when I was 18, when I loved it so much.

The simple answer is I ran in high school and didn't run in college. And didn't keep up with the sport.

But it's more complicated than that.

I ran my sophomore through senior year of high school. I loved it. Cross country and track were THE BEST PART OF HIGH SCHOOL FOR ME. I loved running, running fast, and all of my running friends.

I was competitive enough to win regionals and place in state. I knew I wasn't a scholarship athlete. (I wanted to be, but I never had the stellar races I thought I could have.)

When I won regional, my coach though he could get me a running scholarship to a smaller college. I wanted to go to a big school so I never considered.

I planned on walking on to a Division 1 track team where I was going for college. I had the workouts from the coach. I was emailing him my mileage. I was training. I had the dates of tryouts.

And then my dad lost his job and I lost health insurance. And my world changed.

I didn't go to track tryouts because without health insurance, I thought I couldn't compete. So I worked more hours so I could afford to go to college.

And at some point, I started running more. I got health insurance a few months later, and emailed the coach. I got a terse reply and they clearly weren't interested in me.

And that was that. I quit training like I was going to compete. And I quit being active.

I was going to college full-time and working 25-30 hours a week. I didn't run anymore. I wasn't actually active until I turned 30. I didn't do anything.

But that's how I quit running. I don't think I ever considered running on my own or doing races. Honestly, in college I was so busy, I wouldn't have had time.

I won't look back on this time with regret. I graduated college with no debt. I probably would have loved running with the team, but my life would be completely different. Maybe I saved myself some knee pain or injury. But I didn't run and maybe running found me later in life when I was ready.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Workouts this week: May 29-June 4

May 29: OFF
I was off work today and was excited to run, but while planning my mileage for the week, it didn't look like a good idea. I'd be running seven days in a row, and didn't really want to do speedwork on day 6 and a long run on day 7. So I rested.

I did attempt to take Mojo to walk a trail, but it started raining.

May 30: Speed work at the track

I am so weird about speed workouts. I dread them. Walking to the track is like walking to my doom. I worry I'll run slow. That I won't be able to run 7:30 miles. I stall and stall and stall. And then I do the workout and feel GREAT afterwards. GREAT.

I killed the workout. So I don't know why I dread them so much.

Today's workout was 1600, 1200, 800, 400.

I walked two laps and then ran a warmup lap and stretched (1:52).

1600: 7:11. And this was EASY PACING and pulling WAY back in the last 100. I was shooting for 7:30/7:40 pace. (I WANT TO BREAK 7:00 SO BAD)
1200: 5:18 (6:38 pace)
800:  3:20 (6:40 pace)
400: 1:22. (And I passed the the two fast guys FTW)

I had told the coach I wanted to run 7:30 pace. He suggested 7:40. I ran faster pace the entire time and felt great. This is part because I had Monday off. And I can run all day with breaks in between. But this was a great workout and I REALLY WANT TO break 7 minutes for a mile.

May 31: Long run (separate post) 
Today was the Athens Road Runners Trail Series. Cook's Trail was up and I was  excited to finally try it.

The group met at 6 p.m. There were almost 20 people there—a good crowd. And we ran. I ran with Michael Klipper and Team Sara (Cera Jones, and Sarah Everett) and a few others. Pace was around 9:30 a mile. THEN I decided to BE CRAZY and run all of Cook's trail, which is about 4 in and then 4 back. So I ran another mile. And this was the hilly mile. The first half mile was fine. But then it got awful and I walked the hill. (So 11 minute mile) and then I got back to normal, easy-isn pace. (It was hot. so hot!)

Overall, I really liked the trail. And you have to do the out and back. You can't get to mile 6 and hop back to your car. So I think I'd like for my long run. I'd definitely go back.

• The trail was a little muddy the day we went. Apparently it wasn't too bad.
• One of the bridges was very bouncy (watch out!) I wasn't expecting that
• It was pretty flat and not too hilly, except for in mile 3-4. That last half mile after the gate is brutal
• There's lots of boardwalk to run on. (Some of it is slippery, but not too bad)
• There's a cool section that runs UNDER the road. (HOW COOL IS THAT!?)

There were also some cool bug sculptures

June 1: Athens Running Company Group Run
In an effort to try out the different group runs, I finally got around to the Thursday ARC run. I ran the 3.3 mile route. Half with the group and the other half by myself, since everyone my speed took the long route. I like the route better than the Fleet Feet Run.

June 2: I don’t wanna run speed work 
I didn’t want to run today. I stalled and stalled and stalled. And finally decided to see how fast I could run two miles. 14:22. Even splits. Small break. Then 1.375 mile cool down at about 8 minute pace for 3.5 miles at the indoor track.

June 3: ARR group run
I went to the Athens Road Runners 7:15 a.m. run JUST to get my ARR singlet. I did the 3 mile route. It was flat and pretty. And then we awkwardly sat around while everyone else chatted over coffee. Not great at socializing.

So excited to have a singlet!

June 4: long run with wasps
See separate post. Did yoga that evening

Adventures on Wasp Bridge

Today I went back to Cook's Trail. I wanted to try it again. I ran with my friend Sally, who is SUPER FAST, but seemed interested in trying a new trail.

It's always better to run with someone, so I was thrilled she came out there.

Also, I heard rumors that there is a giant turtle who lives under one of the boardwalks, and sometimes you can see him out and about eating leaves. I want to see the turtle!

We met at 8 a.m. Which was still too early for me, but the air was already muggy. I didn't want to run any later because it would be HOT.

I got to the nature center early (no traffic) and had time to stretch and watch other hikers and runners, who thankfully cleared the spider webs before us.

We started our run and Matt met us, he wanted to do the route, but in the opposite direction. So we ran together for about 3.5 miles.

We started off slow. A nice warm up run. I thought the split was TOO slow but I think that's actually what you're supposed to do for the first mile of a long run.

The warning
At about mile two, we were met by two of the ladies I'd seen leave a few minutes before us (they were wearing knee socks, which seemed like a very smart idea). They were running back. The stopped us to tell us about WASPS. A swarm of angry wasps on a bridge. One lady was stung five times. The other once.

This freaked me right out. I was scared. I HATE WASPS.

The ladies told us our best bet was to sprint one at a time over the bridge IF we had to cross.

We were 2 miles in an 8 mile run. I needed to get my miles in. Matt needed to get back to his car. Ugh.

We decided to see how bad the bridge was and then decide.

They told us it was the second section of the metal bridge.

So every bridge we went across with trepidation. We finally got to a two section bridge. I hung back and didn't want to cross it. Matt crossed it. Sally crossed it. Nothing. I ran for my life. And nothing. Maybe the next bridge? But there wasn't a next bridge.

We hypothesized that maybe the wasps were just passing through. I was imagining a huge black cloud of buzzing wasps.

We ran to the halfway point in the trail and turned around. Matt left us for another route. And again, a group of three ladies stopped us to warn us of the wasps. We didn't see them the first time, we told them.

We kept running. At a good pace, I should add. And we saw another runners we knew.

"Hi Katie," I saw to a lady who I think works at one of the running stores. And Sally and I discuss whether it was Katie. I say we'll find out on Strava later.

The wasps
And then we come to the bridge not worried at all. I run across it.

And Sally runs across it and Sally screams. She has found the wasps.

My response was to take off like Usain bolt across the second bridge. I don't want to be anywhere near wasps.

Sally catches up and says she hasn't been stung. I'm about to start running again, when it's clear she needs a minute. I'm looking at her for wasps, when I notice that her shirt is BUZZING—specifically the shoulder that's closest to me.

"It's in your shirt," I say. "TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT."

Yes, I'm with my new friend in middle of the woods telling her to take off her clothes.

She whips the shirt of in a nanosecond and throws it to the ground. (I don't know any other way to get a wasp out of a shirt).

No stings.

And I look at her. What do we do?

She's ready to leave the shirt. But it's her Ath-Half shirt. So we should try to get the wasp out, right?

We poke at it with sticks. The wasp is still in there. Eventually, she unfolds the shirt and the wasp is sitting there dazed. In a few seconds, it walks off the shirt. I'm wondering if she's going to let it fly away, but she clobbers in with a big stick.

She puts the shirt back on (I wouldn't have!) and we set back to our run. Completely weirded out. It was so scary. Ugh.

We finish our run and can't stop talking about the wasp. We warn people we see. The wasps bothered other people too.

I am SO GLAD we didn't get stung. It was kind of an adventure, but super scary. No more wasps. Katie saw a snake on her run. And no one saw the turtle, so......not the creatures we were looking for.

And if you need a new interval workout, just sprint the bridges and boardwalks on Cook's Trail.