Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Cook's Trail

Cook's Trail is the trail that goes from Sandy Creek Nature Center to Sandy Creek Park. I've wanted to try it for awhile. It's an out and back trail that's a little less than 4 miles each way.

And today it was part of the Athens Road Runners Trail Series. I was excited to finally try it.

The group met at 6 p.m. The group's plan was to run 6 miles. To run three and then turn back, or whatever distance you wanted.

There were almost 20 people there—a good crowd. And we ran. I ran with Michael Klipper and Team Sara (Cera Jones, and Sarah Everett) and a few others. Pace was around 9:30 a mile. THEN I decided to BE CRAZY and run all of Cook's trail, which is about 4 in and then 4 back. I figured someone else would want to do the whole trail.

Nope. Just me. I ran the extra mile. And it was a hilly mile. The first half mile was OKAY and then it got mountainous. I walked the hill (So 11 minute mile)  and then I got back to normal, easy-isn pace. (It was hot. so hot!)

Overall, I really liked the trail. And you have to do the out and back. You can't get to mile 6 and hop back to your car (no giving up). So I think I'd like for my long run. I'd definitely go back. (I like it better than the lakeside trail.)

• The trail was a little muddy the day we went. Apparently it wasn't too bad.
• One of the bridges was very bouncy (watch out!) I wasn't expecting that
• It was pretty flat and not too hilly, except for in mile 3-4. That last half mile after the gate is brutal
• There's lots of boardwalk to run on. (Some of it is slippery, but not too bad)
• There's a cool section that runs UNDER the road. (HOW COOL IS THAT!?)

There were also some cool bug sculptures.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Workouts this week: May 22-28

Monday: Group run
For the third week in a row, we went to the Fleet Feet group run. It rained all day. I thought it would run during the run, but it surprisingly didn't.

We went on the five mile route. Matt left me. I was towards the back of the second or so group. I wanted to run a 8:30-9 minute mile pace. But in order not to be left, I was running low 8:20s and still trailing the group by a ton. I was trying to keep a guy in a green shirt in sight so I didn't get left behind. (I couldn't see the next group of runners behind me.) So I ran hard to keep up with them because I don't quite know the route. I kept hoping for breaks at the traffic lights, but I made EVERY SINGLE CROSSWALK SIGN. There was no waiting when all I wanted was a break.

Afterwards, I wanted it to rain. I was so hot. I did meet some other runners. Yay. Slowly meeting running people.

(Small runners high when I got home, so maybe I didn't push too too hard? Still recovering from my race)

Tuesday: Speedwork
Today's workout sounded fine in the email the coach sent. Warmup a lap. Stretch. Two 800s at 5k or 10k pace. Then 21 minutes, run hard (5k pace) for 60 seconds and then slow job recovery for 60 seconds. I figured I could do that (even recovering from a race.)

Today's workout was themed girl power. It was two of the faster women runners, who win races, and one of their friends. So I tried to keep up. I was still the slowest one out there by a ton. Matt and another guy were behind.

My 800s were fast. 3:38 and 3:25

Then on to the workout. I kept hitting the pause instead of lap button on my watch. And it was showing me a screen like I passed my run when I didn't. It was super confusing. Ugh.

I think the goal was 7:30 pace but I ran a sub 7 minute pace every time I glanced at my watch. Then jogged and then did it again. It made me feel like I was going to barf

1 6.57 pace
3 7:08 pace
5 7:32 pace
7 7:03 pace
9 6:34 pace
11 6:19 pace
17 6:59 pace
19 6:23 pace
21 6:03 pace

And I'm missing two fast laps and one jog lap. Oops.

This workout was brutal. It reminded me of high school track workouts. I like a challenge and probably needed this. I whined to my sister a little about this workout.

 Wednesday: Off
I was going to do some easy miles today, but I went home and took a nap instead. It rained so maybe it worked out for the best. My brain was tired. Not so much my legs. Went to bed early.

Thursday: Trail run with a group
I was invited to a group run with some of the FAST Athens women's runners. Of course I went. We ran at the botanical garden at a conversational pace. My Garmin didn't start until about two minutes in, so oops. My watch said 3.5 miles. Most other's said 3.7. One lady's said 4 miles.

My Garmin put me at 11-minute mile pace, which was conversational. (I should have brought my heart rate monitor.) And to be honest, I've never run that pace before. Maybe I should? My race pace and my easy pace aren't all that different.

So we ran the trails. The other ladies talked about teaching this summer or books. I'm pretty sure I was the only one without a master's.

Then I had to shake that speed out of my legs, so after I got home (I also had extra energy), I ran 2 miles in the neighborhood. I ran into Becky.

Friday: Pilates + steep trail
I went to noon pilates. 40 minutes of core. I needed that.

After work, I tried a new trail: Birchmore trail in Memorial Park. Ugh. It was so steep. My pace was like 12-minute miles (run/walk). I wouldn't recommend it. It's short and technical. Not sure I'll go back.

Saturday: Athens Road Runners
This was our first Saturday run with the Athens Road Runners. There were three and six mile options. I was leaning towards doing the three and then running long Sunday. But everyone was doing six miles. All of the people I kind of know were doing six, so I yielded to peer pressure and did 6. Though I didn't really want to do that many miles.

The run was nice. I ran with Sally and chatted about Peachtree. And then after 5 miles I fell back and ran/walk mile 6. It was hot. Then it was coffee and conversation at Hendershots.

I didn't get the neon memo. Oops. 

Sunday 3 miles + yoga
I needed to run 2 miles today to make my goal of 25 miles for the week. I didn't know WHERE I wanted to run. I've been running a lot of roads lately so I decided trails. And since it had been raining, I went to my usual trails—the IM Fields, because they don't get TOO TOO muddy unless it monsoons. I looked for Strava routes I hadn't tried before. There was a 2.3 mile loop that's part road and trail and starts at the gym and crosses the main road. For a Sunday morning, I figured I could get across the street just fine. So that was my route. (And no woman had attempted it before so guaranteed course record IF I could find the route.)

I felt great so I managed to smoke the course, 18:51 for a new course record. I averaged 7:54s and had a great time up the hill that always kills me. So a pretty good run.

Geese. I am afraid they will chase me.

New shoes and new shorts.
Didn't realize I was wearing so much Nike. 

Runs this week: 6
Miles: 26.3
1 yoga class

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Workouts this week: May 15-21

May 15: 3 mile group run
It's taper week. And I am tired.

I did another group run today. I tried the 3 mile route. Matt ran with me. (He only ran 12 more miles than me yesterday). It was nice running with him the first two miles. We were taking it easy, running slow, 9 minute miles and not even winded.  It was 88 degrees out but the shaded parts of the route weren't so bad.

The third mile had a MONSTER HILL. It was at least a 6 degree incline (which is a lot) and went up from 200 feet. I had to walk. It was awful. And then the last half mile or so was flat. And there were sprinklers. I ran through them. More sprinklers! It was hot.

We got back and I poured water over my head. I think we were the first ones finished. And maybe we should have done the five mile route. It wasn't as steep.

We also decided, we're never doing that hill again. We'll change up our three mile route if we try it again. No Cloverhurst hill.

Tuesday: Speed work 
I skipped the group track workout for the workout on my plan at the indoor track.

5x400s at 5k pace. There's no point in running 400s at the outdoor track (it's 90 degrees) so I stayed inside.

I'd like to run 7:30 pace for my 5k, so I tried for that pace
• 1:56 (too slow)
• 1:47 (too fast, but this is about where I stayed)
• 1:49
• 1:495
• 1:476

And I did a lap cool down and walked two laps. Then I did some abs and two sets of pushups. The workout uploaded to Strava as 1.25 miles in 26 minutes. (The time between my warmup lap, stretching and my final lap.) Ugh.

Wednesday: Easy 3
The planned workout was supposed to be an easy 3 miles. I wanted to do one at race pace. I should add that it was HOT out.
7:45 (on pace)

Then I walked home as to avoid running UP a monster hill. I really liked this route actually. It's down sidewalks near my neighborhood. I think the sidewalk goes on for miles. I ran to the next elementary school and turned around.

I also did a pilates class at lunch.

Thursday: OFF

Friday: OFF
I actually took the day off work too. Not sure I got a lot done, but it was a good day to take off.

Saturday: Race Day
Ran my third 10k. It was humid. My legs were not as trashed as the previous two 10k. Maybe I didn't push as hard? I did make sure to keep moving after the 10k. We took the dog on a walk and I wore compression sleeves all day.

Sunday: 4 recovery miles
Again, I was pleasantly surprised that my legs weren't awful. I felt fine. Not even race tired. I did a four mile road run with Matt. I would have preferred trails but the weather was so weird I wanted to stay close to home. It rained all morning (so the trails would have been soggy) and then when the sun came out and we ran, it was really swampy. It got hot fast. I think the sauna-like feeling did bother Matt more than me. I was just appreciative for all the shady spots of the our run. (I ran the same route as Wednesday but ran back to the house for 4 miles).

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Marigold 10k race

I'd heard great things about the Marigold 10k. It's fast and flat. So I've been training for it since my first 10k race April 1 (about 7 weeks).

Going into the race, I wanted to run a minute faster than that April 1 race (49:47 with wildly uneven splits) or run as close to 48 minutes as I could. My secondary goal was EVEN splits (to not run a 7 minute mile than a 9 minute mile).

That said it's my third 10k ever and my fourth race this year. I was hoping for great things. I've trained well and generally been getting faster. But racing is in part mental. And I didn't want to fall apart mentally and run slow miles 4 or 5 (that's where I tend to slow down).

Race prep
I ate clean all week (not counting a donut from the breakroom Tuesday or cookies in the breakroom Thursday. Oops) I got all my race stuff ready Friday night and went to bed early Friday.

And it was race day. I opted for my favorite neon pink tank (because I love it) and blue shorts. We got ready and headed out around 6:45 a.m. and parked around 7 a.m. I picked our registration up Friday so didn't have to do that. Matt had some trouble with his safety pins (NOTE TO SELF: BUY HIM BIB MAGNETS!). We walked around and stretched and tried to figure out where the start was. We followed the people and the race starts down the middle of main street.

Starting line

Drone shot. From start of race. 

The gun went off, and we started. I looked at my watch and I started out running 7-minute pace. So I slowed down. 7:30 pace and tried to slow some more.

My strategy was 7:50s.

Mile 1: 7:44 (right on track)
Mile 2: 7:56 (a little too slow. My watch was telling me 8:20 pace on the voice alert. Yuck!)
Mile 3: 7:46

So far in the race, I felt good. I tried to pick people with a good pace and stay with them. I ran the first mile with a guy I think I've seen at Fleet Feet. And then in miles 2-3 I fell in with some tougher ladies older than me. They were awesome.

Mile 4 is where I usually fall apart 8:01. Slower than I'd like, but still OKAY. And that's the mile with the "hill." Haha. I slowed down a lot here when I scouted part of the course last week.

I was running with a pack of guys now. Older tough dudes (40s and 50s) No ladies in sight. (And no ladies passed me in the last half)

Race photo of me! (I look skinny!) This is near the end, but this is pack of guys I ran with.

Mile 5: 8:08. So slowing down. I didn't look at my watch much in this mile.

Mile 6. This is where I completely died. I wanted the race to be over. I was counting down the tenth of miles. I could barely foot one foot in front of the other. I wanted to walk. I ran an 8:08 which is awesome for as bad as this mile felt.

Coach Mike told me to save some for the end because it was hard.

Yes. So hard. I was running in 100% humidity. It was so muggy. Should I get a medal for that!?!

And then I had NOTHING left for a kick. I saw the chute and did turn it up. I had wanted to run a 7:30 last mile. If the humidity had been less, then maybe it could have happened. I should have kicked it in for longer ran the 40 or so feet I did.

I finished in 49:12.

Which is not what I had hoped. But it still chops 30 seconds off my PR. And my splits were much more even than my last race.

I'm blaming the humidity for not being faster. I'll just have to find another 10k to drop another 30 seconds off.

I think my training at race pace for this helped. Maybe next time try 7 miles at 8 flat? That might do the trick. More longer runs and more race pace work.

Also, mentally I was tougher. I DIDN'T WALK A STEP IN THIS RACE (!!!!!) I knew I could do it.

I didn't expect to place in this race at all. There were so many FAST girls there. But when some of the girls on the competitive team were volunteering and NOT running, I thought I had a chance.

I turned my place card in. I got 39th place (out of 232). And second in my age group. WHAT!?!?!? I didn't expect that. I placed 10th out of 135 women and 2 out of 22 in my age group.

(I credit this to the fast women volunteering and the rest not being as fast as usual because of the humidity.)

And Matt got third in his age group. He ran a smoking 47:54. And he wanted to run 48 or faster to qualify for the Peachtree Road race in Atlanta next year.

That's the time I would have liked to run. But I'll get there. Slowly. I'll keep getting stronger.

So I got a medal. Yay! :)

This might be the prettiest medal I have to date :) 

We both got medals. YAY.

Overall, the race was great. The packet pickup was easy. There was parking the morning-of. The course was well marked, with LOTS of volunteers. And there were enough people to easily find a group to run with. The course was fast and flat and I can't wait for next year. They also had WATERMELON at the pavilion for the finishers which was AWESOME! And perfect after a race. And the medals were beautiful. A great race.

But now I need to find my next race :)

Cool drone shot of the race :)

Monday, May 15, 2017

Workouts this week: May 8-14

Monday group run: 5 miles with Fleet Feet

TODAY WAS MY FIRST GROUP RUN EVER. I've been meaning to try the group runs FOREVER, but today it finally worked out with my schedule (me having the time, the runs being offered and matching with my run for the day.) So I headed over to Fleet Feet for the run. Matt tagged along. He got there early and told me there was indeed parking and snagged a map for me of the route.

I showed up SUPER EARLY and stretched. I didn't know anyone so I mostly kept to myself. I didn't want to demo the Nike's that they had brought. It was too close to my race, so while I'd like some Nike road shoes, I didn't try anything on (this was partly being shy.) Eventually a few people I knew showed up. The speed coach matched me up with someone. A friend from work showed up. And eventually it was run time. (So stretch on your own before the run starts.)

There was an announcement about the Nike demo and the upcoming 10k and then at 6:06 we were off.

I have never run in a group this big. Maybe 40 people set off down the street together. It was really congested for the first half mile and then it thinned out some. I started running behind two fit ladies in purple. My first mile was too fast. 8:18. I was going for easy place so that I'd have enough energy for the Tuesday speed workout.

Mile 2 was 8:48 up a monster hill (where I passed the ladies in purple.)

And I have never been so glad for traffic lights. I welcomed those breaks waiting for the signal to cross.

Mile 3 was 8:24.

We ran through downtown and into the hipster neighborhoods. I wondered what the motorists thought of such a big group of runners. Maybe they see it all the time? I certainly don't.

Mile 4 was 9:03. I was getting tired and walked a bit. Another runner checked on me, but I walked maybe 10 steps and then ran when he started catching up. I just needed the tiniest break.

Mile 5 was 8:08. I was just going with the group and the group picked up the pace.

Maybe it was a tad faster than I should have run (for an easy run), but I think it was a good challenge, and could see myself getting faster going on group runs. I wasn't too tired after the run (despite the walk break). I felt great. And had a tiny little runners high in the third or so mile. I felt great.

After the run people were more talkative (after they got some water). I talked to an instagram friend, met a girl I know from my BodyPump class and went home (though I would have liked to go get a burger.)

Tuesday: Speedwork
Today was mile repeats at the track. (!!!!)

My goal was 7:30 miles. Three miles.

The group was small today: 4 people.

A couple and another guy I didn't know.

The girl was fast! (Maybe if I work hard, I'll be that fast!)

Mile 1: 7:24 (fast girl wasn't even breathing hard!)
Mile 2: 7:27
Mile 3: 7:09 (I cranked it up that last 200 meters so see how much faster I could run.)

I ran 1/2 mile cool down (and a half mile warm up to make miles.) I think my splits were pretty even. I was pushing, but not my hardest until the last mile.

I think I could definitely break 7 minutes for a mile this year.

Wednesday: OFF
I was tired. It was hot. I didn't want to run. I went home, ate a salad and took a nap.

Also, I've been going to the salad bar at Publix once a week. It's my default for when I want a healthy meal but don't want to cook.

Thursday: Indoor track

It was 90 degrees out and I didn't want to run outside. I was going to run trails, but I opted for the indoor track instead.

My training said 4-6 miles. I thought 5 sounded good. The plan was easy miles. So the first two I didn't look at my watch and cranked out two miles in exactly 16 minutes. So then I decided to try and hit 8 flat for all of my miles. At 3 miles I had lost some time and was at 24:10, then the next mile was 8 and then I cranked the last mile out at 7:27. My watch said 39:37 when I was down. Though my Garmin was all sorts of off since it doesn't measure distance that accurately for an indoor run. I swear it pinged me for a mile right at the mile line on the track but I had to run another whole lap to get my watch to say 5 miles.

So it wasn't an EASY run. Maybe moderate? I did push it a little. Especially at the end.

Friday off
I was supposed to go to pilates today, but pilates was canceled. So I did 15 minutes on the exercise bike and got bored with that. So it was an off day. I wanted a nap anyway.

Saturday: Long run

Today the training plan called for an 8-10 mile run. I opted for 8 and went out to Sandy Creek Park to run the loop.

I was invited to the Athens Road Runners group run, but I didn't want to run 8 miles on pavement this close to the race. I'll take a trail.

I went to my niece's soccer game first, and then went to the park (it was supposed to rain earlier in the day.)

1. I fell in the first mile and skinned up my leg. Ugh.
2. In mile 2, I tried to hop a wide mud puddle, missed and splashed my shoe in water. This led to problems in miles 6-7 because I got a nasty blister from running in a wet shoe. Also my split for mile 2 was super slow. I think the watch was wrong it was so slow. I was running 8:40 pace and it said 9:50. (9:50 is an acceptable pace, but it's not what I was running.
3. Mile 3. A white-haired man passed me. He said "I like your pace." I jumped because he scared the shit out of me. I was listening to music and never see other runners out there. He completely snuck up on me. His dog ran my pace for half a mile or so and then he started walking and I passed him, and never saw him again. Trail ghost reminding me to be more aware or surroundings? Maybe.
4. Mile 4 was okay.
5. Mile 5 was the mile of walking. I tend to walk the uphills. It's a brutal course.
6. On mile 6, the blister from that mud puddle started hurting. My Pandora station went out. So I stopped and tried to pop the blister and get music. I tried voice commands for Siri to play my playlist but she wasn't having it. I had to manually turn my run playlist on. This is when my phone stopped working.
7. Mile 7 was awful.
8. Mile 8 was slow and I barely got it done. I got to 8.11 so Strava would give me 8.1, but Strava gave me 8.0. Thanks.
That blister was hurting my foot so bad I took off my shoe and walked the rest of the trail in one shoe and the other barefoot. Once I got to the road I walked .4 miles barefoot back to my car. My texts to Matt failed to send and my Garmin wouldn't synch to my phone.

That loop felt a lot worse than last time and was more than 30 seconds slower a mile. It was still within an acceptable range. I think I was just tired from all the increased miles.

Sunday: 3 miles

I attempted to scout the course for the 10k I'm running this weekend. I drove to Winterville and ran three miles. I got one loop correct and then didn't quite run the last 3 miles of the course. I stopped a lot in the last mile to figure out which way the course went. I ran some of the course. And it is indeed flat. Pretty. And it's all on the road. I thought there would be more sidewalks, but not really.

My legs were BEAT from the long run. I thought it might  be a disaster of a run BUT nope. I started too fast. I looked down and my watch said 6:40 pace. I ended up running a 7:13 first mile (7:32 on the watch. I had to stop to cross the road. Then and 8:17 and 8:18 which is a little fast to be an easy pace, but I don't know how fast to run on the road.

I also went to yoga class Sunday night. Yoga is bliss. I love it. I left feeling limber and completely relaxed. The happy kind of woozy.

Week in review: 5 runs + 1 yoga class 
Days running: 5
Miles this week: 25.4
Miles this month: 51

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Workouts this week: 5/1 - 5/7

Fat cat + gymnastics mat. Somewhat related to fitness?
Monday: Body pump + slow run
I did BodyPump today. And as always, lunges killed me. Why am I so bad at lunges. I used NO WEIGHT and couldn't do the reps. Tired legs? I don't know.

I got a new watch so I wanted to try it out so I attempted to run afterwards. Hahahahaha.

I got 200 meters in and my legs were not having it. It was my slowest run in FOREVER. But I was okay with that. I used to run after doing weights in high school. But not at that intensity. So I ran 2.5 slow miles and hoped it loosened up my legs some. I knew it was a bad idea. Hopefully I didn't do any damage.

Tuesday: Speed work at the track

Today the workout was 800s. It was a small group. Only four people. Of very different speeds. The lead guy did his own 800s. And then I did my 800s at a different rate. And then a dad and a son did them at another different rate.

My splits were pretty good: 3:40, 3:43, 3:42, 3:42, and then the coach told me to crank it out in the last 200 meter. I did and ran a 3:22. Which is the fastest 800 I think I've run! I was impressed.

I might have cursed (in surprise!). I might have apologized to the kid. (Sorry!)

I was pretty impressed with my last 800.

I'd love to run a sub 7 mile this year.

Wednesday: trail run

No gymnastics today so I decided to run. I just ran 4 miles of trails. I had wanted to do two strava routes. To take my course record back on one and to try another one. But I went the wrong way on both of them. Haha.

On the one I was trying to take back my record from, I went up the main hill, instead of by the lake, like I prefer. Oops.

And the other one, I guessed the wrong way. So I ran in backwards. haha. (I do this all the time.)

It was 83 degrees and I had to walk a few times. Can I blame the heat? Being tired from speed work yesterday? It wasn't my worst run, but not great.

Also, the GNATS. A few might have flown in my mouth. I found some stuck on my sweat and in my tank top. The gnats were out in force tonight. Super gross.

Thursday: Off
Today I was tired. Which is funny. I had EXTRA ENERGY Wednesday morning. Not sure if it was from the speed work, but I was high on good endorphins and getting all sorts of stuff done at work. Thursday I just wanted a nap and had no energy. (Got about the same amount of sleep both nights.) I don't think I drank enough water on Wednesday, which is probably also part of the problem.

Friday: 5 mile race pace

I wanted to do 5 miles race pace before the 10k. So I headed to the indoor track, since it was raining and I wasn't doing this on a trail.

So I ran 40 laps around an 1/8th of a mile track. 40 laps. I think I should get a medal for that alone. THAT IS SO MANY LAPS.

The goal was steady laps. I wanted to run 8 flats for 5 miles. This was most important for laps 4 and 5. I tend to die on mile 4 or 5 in a race.

Splits were 8:01, 8:09, 8:079, 8:066, 7:37

And my total moving time for 40:03.

So I lost three seconds for 40 laps. Which is awesome. (And I think I lost those seconds fiddling with my watch.)

And it wasn't super hard. I didn't die afterwards. I wonder if my pace is actually closer to 7:50. (7:40 is my next goal) 7:55? It wasn't easy and I couldn't get those middle laps faster, because I was trying so hard to be steady.

The Garmin was exactly as accurate as my Apple watch. it said I ran 4.8 miles and had my laps at .95 mile. (I hit lap every time I crossed the starting line). And I did get the pace alert function to work. Though the voice would say I was running 8:10 or 8:20 since it wasn't tracking my distance correctly.

Overall, it was a good run. What will my 10k time be?

Working graduation. In the cold and rain.
This is three hours before the ceremony.
This lululemon rain jacket was a lifesaver!
On the field during the ceremony. Coworker is not impressed.
Saturday: run
Saturday is usually my long run. BUT I was feeling tired after working graduation the night before (standing around in heels for hours. My quads were sore). I would have liked to run 7 miles, but I didn't have that much in the tank. So I went out to the IM Fields and decided to just run whatever I could run. (I needed 9+ to make my mileage for the week, so 4.5 or 5 would be good.) And it was too gorgeous of a day not to run. I got in 6.5 miles with a few walk breaks (10 steps). I ran for an hour.

THIS is why I love running trails. So pretty.

Sunday: Run + yoga

Pretty flowers I passed on my run
I needed to run 2.6 miles today to make my goal of 25 miles this week. It was a little chilly this morning, but I went out around 9:30 a.m. My plan was to run 1.3 miles out and back. I crossed the street and ran on the sidewalk across from my house. The sidewalk cut a corner off the route I drove, so that 1.3 mile was about the distance to the Golden Pantry on the corner. I ran there and back. And was feeling pretty good and decided I'd have a good 5k time so I ran 3.1. So 24.08. And it felt like a GOOD speed. That first mile I just ran. I didn't look at my watch. It wasn't pushing. It wasn't slow. I have no idea if I could do that for 6 miles. But it was a good run. (Yesterday was hard.)

The Yoga for runners at Athens Running Company at 5:30. Talked to Coach Mike some about running. And how I have no idea what speed I'm going to run in two weeks. And no idea what speed I am in general. His plan for me is mile repeats Tuesday. He wanted me to run 7:30s. Ugh.

Which maybe I can do? Except it's going to be like 84 degrees. Ugh.

Miles this week: 25.51
Days running: 6
Workouts 6 runs, one yoga class, one strength session.