I'm back to taking classes at the gym again. Hooray! Classes started back Monday and I'm so happy about that.
I LOVE classes. đŸ’—Someone please tell me what to do in fitness classes. Let me turn my brain off and just do. It's what I need. Since I'm always overthinking things and tend to be rather tightly wound. I love an hour where my only worries are—can I actually do three more reps, can I increase my weight or should I take the harder option? I like the class dynamic. It pushes me. Makes me think twice about skipping a rep or putting down my weight (because I don't want to be the only one.)
Also, it was free week at the student gym. So you can take the fitness classes for free. Which means the classes are EXTRA crowded and full of newbies. I already bought a pass, and just took the classes I already took. But free week is just crazy busy and you have to get to the classes extra early (and are filled with people who aren't in shape, don't know what they're doing, which is fine. It's the unmotivated people who don't try that bug me the most.)
Sunday: Indoor run with PRs
Back to the indoor track again. It's super busy with all the New Year's people. But there are also fast people at the track. I got behind a fast guy and let him set the pace.
First mile: 7:15. Which ties my PR for a mile time! I felt strong. I think my previous PR's also come from January or this time of year, since I'm stuck doing speed work at the track. I get faster! :)
Mile 2: 15:03. Which is MY BEST TWO MILE time since I left high school. I REALLY wanted to break 15. I guess I have something to work towards.
(Small water break, catch breath break here. One lap, so 2 minutes)
Mile 3: 23:12 Which is freaking AWESOME. (The fast guy must have been running 6-8 miles because he was still going. He lapped me at some point. But I am so happy with my FAST times!)
Also my Apple Watch is stupid. I had to run 3 extra laps to get it to 3 miles. I should recalibrate it. But I know how much it's off by and it's always off by 1/8th of a mile.
Monday: Bodypump
It's been a month since I've done weights. I wasn't expecting it to be pleasant. And it wasn't that bad until one and two days after the class.
First, BodyPump is a really popular class. (Which I don't get. If I'm going to be honest, I don't actually like lifting weights. I do it because I should. I probably should more than one day a week actually, but that's all I have time for. I like the instructors. I like the format—except the lunges, I hate them.) I got there at 20 minutes until the class started. I was Number 24 on the sign in list. So I got in. I was expecting Petey to teach the class, but apparently she's teaching boxing and a blonde named Sarah was teaching the class. She had a South Jersey accent. Apparently she had a baby 7 months ago (and still looked strong, thin and fabulous.) It was a good class. My forearms were sore when I left. But the next two days, my quads were really sore.
Tuesday: Indoor track
More running today. I needed to run. I didn't want to mess with Free Week classes. (I saw about 20 girls get turned away from a very full zumba class). It's madness. There are huge crowds outside all of the rooms.
First mile: 7:29
Second mile: 15:17
Third mile: 23:05, with no breaks. So this was a pretty consistent run for me. (My first mile is always the fastest. So 7:29, 7:48, 7:48) I felt strong. I would LOVE to run a 10k at this pace.
I should note that this was without breaks. I like to take a break after two miles (16 laps) because the running gets so repetitive. I didn't take a break this time.
Wednesday: OFF
I usually go to gymnastics, but was feeling sick so I skipped. I was feeling tired. From weights on Monday and my asthma flared up in the afternoon. I took an hourlong nap at home instead. I think it was the right call.
Thursday Run
The weather was absolutely glorious today. It finally turned warm after two weeks of gross cold weather (that forced me to run inside.) I've had it on my calendar to run outside for a week (since the forecast said it would be warm.) So I may or may not have ducked out early to get 5 miles in before the sunset. I got 5.5 miles in and enjoyed 70 degree weather. The run was slower than I thought—especially with all the speedwork at the track. But I'll take an outside run.
Then I showered really fast and met a friend for dinner. (I got home before 9. Which made for a 13-hour day).
I did my crown braid for dinner. Since that or a hat is the only way to have decent hair after running.
Friday: Yoga
I finally got a yoga class in. My first one in more than a month. And it was free week, so the class was packed. I think there were 52 people in the studio. The instructor plus 51. There were 10 people in the first three rows of the class and 11 people in the back two rows. It was so packed we were doing our sun salutations with arms forward because you couldn't put your arms out to the side.
I thought it was funny that a group of sorority girls sat their stuff down in the very front—where the teacher sits. Wow. Someone told them to move.
Also, at about three minutes after the class started a group of three people opened the door like they were going to come in. They looked around and saw there was no room at all, giggled loudly and left. It's free week. There was no monitor outside the class. You can't show up late to a popular class and expect to sneak in.
Saturday: 4.5 miles at IM Fields
Great first mile and a strong first three.
And then I died. I had to walk some in mile four, but finished 4.5 miles.
I'm cool with walking. I've done 17+ miles this week. My legs were tired. Every run is different.
I actually almost ran a local 5k on Saturday, but it would have been $30, so I decided to save the money and find cheaper races for later this year. (And oddly enough, my body just quit after 3 miles like I had been doing a 5k. Haha.)
Apple Watch, Strava
7:36, 7:32
8:26, 8:14 (which may be my record for this uphill mile. It's a steep hill that always kills me)
8:34, 8:05
9:21, 9:12 (this is the mile I walked some.)
8:27, 8:44
8:28 average pace, 324 active calories, 388 total calories/ 8:22 average pace, 549 calories
The calorie count is the biggest difference. Both apps know my height and weight. And I have a heart rate monitor. I've always thought Apple watch always estimated low (ex: 200 calories for one hour of intense weight lifting).
So that was my week. I'll take spring weather!