This is definitely on my to try list. It looks amazing.
It is kind of pricey and I'm not in that much of a hurry to try it.
2. Spinning classes
I've wanted to try a spinning class for years. I have an exercise bike at home, and I worry my left knee doesn't like cycling.
It could be intense.
Also on my to try list. I need to save up the courage to take this. I am so uncoordinated! But all the girls who do this have killer abs.
4. Kickboxing
I could be pretty bad at this, but if someone taught me how to do it, then maybe?
(There are two groupons for this right now.)
5) Blast 900
I've driven by this place on Baxter St. A million times. They offer you a free first class, but I don't know what it is.
(Note: I looked it up. It's interval training with treadmills. I'm not sure I like treadmills. Classes are $20 each or $195 for an unlimited month. Not sure I can afford to like this one.)
Description from their website:
BLAST is a fat shredding, muscle toning, personalized group exercise class in which people of every fitness level alternate between cardio on a treadmill and strength training on the floor, each working at their own pace to reach THEIR maximum effort.
Other ideas
6) Running
I could take up running again.
7) Canopy Trapeze classes
I've wanted to take trapeze classes at Canopy for a year now, but have had no luck. Despite emailing the owner a few times and knowing two instructors, there is NEVER an opening in their beginner classes and there's no drop-in classes.
8) A friend suggested belly dancing.
I cannot dance. I'm not sure about this idea, but it is on the list of possibilities.
9) Zumba
A coworker lost a ton of weight doing zumba. I can't move my hips so I think I'd be tragic at this one.
10) There seem to be a lot of bootcamp classes in Athens. I could look into this.
I'm not sure what's next. What should I do?